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Holly 'Barbie' Sander is your typical blonde Head Cheerleader; an eighteen year old, 5'8 Queenbee, with a bitchy attitude and an earth size ego.

Ethan Jackson is your typical bad boy; an 6'5 eighteen year old boy with an aggressive, arrogant, possessive and vindictive personality.

So what happens when both strong headed personalities clash... Fireworks! Both of them with unrevealed past which no one has a clue about. Secrets which need to be hidden. What happens if both of them discover one another's secret.... Devastation, Destruction & Love!


Most of y'all must have read the typical good girl bad boy stories and books where the cheerleader is the main antogonist or you can say villainess. Cheerleader who makes the good girl's life a hell if she tries to get close with cheerleader's boyfie, right? The cheerleader who often mistakenly get referred to as the slut of the school, right? Ever thought of reading the story from the cheerleader's behalf? Huh?

If ur answer is No, then I present you another strong female lead story to y'all. Do read it, vote and comment the book. And the author is RisingRachel

PS: I hate the typical good girl cliche stories and I dont read it. If y'all coming here for a typical cliche stories, sorry to say you got the wrong book here.

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