A New Place

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When we finally left the coffee house we were both full to the brim of our bulging stomachs. It was just like when our mother used to make a large breakfast every Sunday morning.

Patrick started up the car.  Spencer was still playing his guitar. His sounds were those of an angel. I was reluctant to leave. Patrick had to practically pull me from of table.

I felt my eyes glaze over as I remembered Spencer. He was such a great person. I mean he was funny, feisty, and hot. After our two minute encounter he went back on stage and made complete eye contact to me. The whole two hours we were there I was blushed bright red. If an only small conversation could make me gaga for him I wonder how tonight would be like that.

I heard chuckling coming from the driver’s seat. I glared at the sound that interrupted my perfect recap of the day.

“What,” I snarled.

“Oh nothing,” Patrick said like he would tell me when I was older. He had a huge grin on his face; I haven’t seen that smile since mom was in a ‘temporary sleep’. It showed all of his teeth and the little dimple on each side of his face.

I turned the radio on. It was something to distract me from his awkward smile.

After a ten minute ride I was about to declare us lost when I saw this house. If I had to describe it one word it would be, gorgeous.

The Gothic design reminded me of something I would see in an old elegant horror film. The thick green growth of vines boarding the window panes added the feeling that it was lived in.

I tore my gaze from the astonishing mansion to look a Patrick. He looked as mesmerized as I was. What was up with house that made us so crazy about it before we even stepped one foot past the threshold.

I sighed and walked to where Patrick was leaning on the car. I grabbed his hand and tugged him to the house. I nervously knock on the door.

It has been the first time in our lives that we've seen our Aunt Dabreeah. Our mother mentioned her a few times against her own free will.

I remember when I was in seventh grade and Pat was a sophomore we were all eating dinner. It was when my mother was still 'awakened' and my father was still there.  We laughed as we ate baked Ziti and salad. I brought up an assignment one of my teacher was making the whole class do. We had to make a family tree. Once I said it mom stopped laughing and eating. I was immediately intrigued and I could tell Patrick was too by the way his eyes glossed over. Mom said she three sisters and then she excised herself from the table. It's funny how we all remember useless memories.

My father had left us later that year. The empty promises he made once he heard about mom, were so foolish. He was going on about, "Being a family again." How could I make him see that we weren't a family and he was the cause? He didn't help at all. I surprised Patrick was mature enough to do the whole entire thing, including getting a hold of any possible family member we had.

The door flew open and on the other side was a woman.










Before anyone of us could say anything the strang woman grabbed us by the heads and hugged the life out of us.I could feel my face losing the nessacary blood it was lacking considering she had such a death grip on us.

"Dabreeah, if you squeeze them any tighter they're heads will pop off!" A kind voice spoke.

The woman let us go. As she pulled back I realized she was crying hefty tears. She had very dark thick lashes, so assume she was wearing mascara. But her tears didn't cause it to run. It must have been a natural trait. A trait I didn’t adapt. Now that I actually looked at her she was beautiful. She had very tan skin like my mother. Her lips were pink and thin. She had huge eyes with a green circle in the middle of them. Her nose was pointed at the tip but it's was dainty. She had broad swimmers sholders and long arms that hung there.

A woman then walked up. Her heels clanking on the ground. When she arrived and we saw her face we were speechless. She was the exact replica of my mother. I couldn't speak as tears welled in my eyes. For a slight second I questioned if she was my mother.

"Oh my goodness! Don't they look just like Lucinda?" My mothers look-a-like murmerd. She even sounded like my mom. I looked at Patrick. He was crying too. His watery eyes glanced at me. He then gave me an if-you-tell-I-am-going-to-kill-you look.

"Well why are you out there? Come in! Come in! Get out of the way Dabreeah." My mothers imposter tumbled out.

The woman that nearly strangled us to death, pulled us inside the mansion. The inside was even more beautiful. The theme of the inside of the house must have been 'Halloween'. It was as creepy in the inside as it was outside.

"Well, I'm your Aunt Arabella. And this sappy bimbo over here," she gustered to the woman that sqooze the life out of us, "is our Aunt Dabreeah."


My voice would be dry and cracked if I tried to speak so I was glad Patrick did. "Hello. You must already know us. I want to thank you for taking us in. If you didn't we would be homeless." His voice trembled.

"No need to thank us. We're all family. And we would for you to go to that scum bag Lucinda married." I knew immediantly Aunt Arabella was talking about my father. I didn't blame her. He was a scum bag and she should hate him just like I did. I knew deep down Patrick still loved him. I could feel his hurt when he left or how we avoided any subject with him in it.

The Aunts turned to me. "Cat got your tongue," Aunt Arabella said.

"Oh. Er- I just have nothing to say. I mean this has been very emosional for all of us."

"Yes it has. I imagin your very tired. I mean you've been driving for such a long time!" Aunt Dabreeah brought up a good point. But only did I now realize how tired I was till she mentioned it.

"Mmm, a nap sounds so good right now!" I said with a yawn and a stretch.

"Your room is up the first staircase and to the right. It should be the second door." I walked away and followed the instuctions. I wondered why Patrick wasn't taking a nap, he did the most by driving us here. I reahed the beautiful room. The decor was bright and happy unlike the rest of the house. I looked down at my wrist watch that read 2:30pm. I fell into a peaceful sleep.















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