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Estelle had the day off the next morning, and instead of sleeping in like she had planned, the constant ringing of her phone woke her up. Coming to her senses, Estelle sat up in her bed and just blinked a few times before finally looking at her phone.

Estelle looked at the time, 7:42 in the morning. She then looked at her notifications: two missed calls from Nat, five text messages from Nat, a few instagram notifications, and one text from Bradley.

While she was opening her phone, it rang again; it was Nat. Estelle decided to answer her phone because she was going to call Nat back first anyways, "Hello?"

"Hey Stelly," Nat's voice rang out on the other side of the phone, seeming relieved that her friend finally answered, "Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, why? What's up?"

Nat let out a sigh before starting, "Few things. One, they moved the mission up; it's now in three days."

Estelle sighed, and ran a hand over her face after hearing this.

"Two, Maverick... got kicked off the assignment." Nat said, bracing for what her friend would say.

Even though Estelle was mad at Maverick, she was more mad at the admirals for taking him off. She knew he was a great pilot and deserved to be on this assignment. He had worked his ass off his whole career. From what she heard, he was the only one who was capable of teaching the Top Gun graduates and one of the only people who knew how to correctly fly this mission.

"Shit." Estelle said, getting up out of bed.

She tripped getting out of bed and let out a grunt, confusing her friend on the other end of the phone.

"Where are you right now?"

"In my room. But, I'm getting ready to drag Maverick's ass out of the house and force him to get his spot back."

"I like the ambition," Nat said, laughing.

"And if he doesn't, I'm marching my ass down to base and getting his spot back myself." Estelle said while jumping up and down, struggling to put her pants on.

"Hey, I know this is really random, especially considering our conversation, but are you okay?"

"No." Estelle deadpanned, "But it's fine. I guess I was just wrong."

"About Bradley?"

"Yeah. Turns out it was just a hookup, and not more like I thought." Estelle said with a mouth full of toothpaste, causing Nat to laugh lightly.

Nat let out a frustrated groan, causing Estelle to picture her friend running a hand over her face, "Of course he blew it. I can beat him up for you if you want?" She asked, reminding her friend of conversations they had during high school.

"I think I can handle it myself." Estelle said, smiling to herself, "We talked for like a minute last night, I'll have to tell you about it later." She said, locking the door to her apartment behind her, "He texted me while I was sleeping though."

"Oh?" Her friend asked.

"I didn't read it though. I do not have the energy for that." She said, letting out a breathy laugh, "Hey, I've got to let you go though, I'm at my car. I'll let you know how it goes with Mav though. Do you want to meet up somewhere today though?"

"Yeah. We're getting off early today, want to do brunch at like twelve?"


"At the Beachwood Cafe?" "At the Beachwood Cafe?" They both asked at the same time, causing both girls to laugh.

"Okay yeah, I'll see you then. Bye."

"Bye." Estelle heard her friend say before hanging up the phone and getting in her car, driving to Maverick's house.

Once at Maverick's house, Estelle jumped out of her car and ran up to the front door. She repeatedly ran his doorbell, and when that didn't work, she started banging on his front door.

"Pete Mitchell! Open this fucking door right now!" She yelled, still banging on his door, and not caring if any of his neighbors heard her.

"What?" He said, finally opening the door, almost causing Estelle to hit him in the face.

"You're getting your job back."

"You heard?"

"Yes. Now when have you ever been one to back down from a challenge? Hmm? Never. Literally just go up there and show them that it is possible to fly this. Show them why they chose you."

"Kid, they didn't choose me, Ice did." He said, rubbing a hand along his jaw.

"Okay and? He chose you for a reason, didn't he?"

Maverick looked at the woman in front of him, and sighed, "I guess."

"I guess. God Mav, go show them why he chose you!"

After much deliberation, and a serious staring contest, Maverick finally caved: "You know what, you're right."

"I know I am. That's why I came down here. Now get your ass to base and show them what they're missing out on." Estelle said, turning around to head back to her car.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?"



Estelle and Nat 😫

Estelle and Maverick 🥰

Which do you prefer?? 🤔

Estelle getting Mav his job back as she should #girlboss 😋




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