Part 9, Caught

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The cold river muted the screaming hell inside me, bringing it to a quiet sizzle. Knowing Luther would make it to the bank, I released the final air bubbles held in my chest.

In thirty seconds I would finally learn what happened to all those androids. Letting myself go,

A soft lantern light glows from the windows of my home. A fire crackles as the pops and snaps of the cars and motorcycles outside cruise to their own home. Tidying up the room surrounding me I dust off two chairs, placed in front of the TV. One is a beautiful solid black, with gold trimming, mine. Luther's is placed beside it, a white chair with silver trimming. The arms connect in the middle, a small record player is placed on the built-in gold table, and vinyl is held in perfect uniform within the glass shelves. As the record player tip taps and then resets itself, standing in the room for a moment, waiting to recognize the song I recognize Can't take my eyes off you, by Frank Valli, as if on cue Luther, walks through the door, in a beautiful suit, an apple in hand and a nametag reading 'Mr. Luther Dempsey'. The last name rang a bell in my imaginary mind. Luther and I had gotten married, we chose a new last name. Dempsey means proud. He smiled pulling me into his arms. Lifting me off the ground he swung me in his arms. Wrapping mine around his neck I kiss his cheek, placing me back down I turn around, taking Luther's blazer, and I place it on the coat rack near the door, connecting to the kitchen. Which we didn't need but it was great for entertaining. Luther was a great cook anyhow.

"How was your first day at work honey?" I call from across the room, walking to the corner near the tv, fixing the Christmas tree, a few ornaments out of place. Switching off the tv on my way back Luther answers,

"Well the classes I taught today, being art and psychology, the kids were great." He smiled grabbing my hands in his.
"They loved that you are an artist, they said they would be visiting your gallery on Granville Street." He proudly squeezes my hands.

"I'm so glad." I smiled sweetly. "Oh! You know what day it is?" I widened my eyes.

Laughing heartily Luther responds. "Of course I do." He puts his hands together. Walking to the record playing, resetting the song.

The beat just building up as he returns to me. Putting an arm over his shoulder and one in his, he puts his free hand on my waist. We begin to move to each other's footsteps, sinking in the lyrics as we stare into each other's eyes. The lyrics ringing true, not being able to take my eyes off of this man before me I smile, resting my head on his chest. We close our eyes. Shifting and moving to the lyrics, the Vancouver snow covers the world around us.

Realized my reality, this dream I had. Was just me neglecting the real Luther. I let go of the truly, artificial Luther, opening my (real) eyes blinking for a few seconds then landing on the gentleman from my dream just a few moments ago. Sighing he pulls me up, holding me into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I wasn't sure if you would wake up," he whispered more to himself than to me.

Luther suggested we get going, after a few moments we were back on our feet, I still had my lighter, thank god, just barely working I patch him up enough so we can keep going.

While sneaking around cars, streets filled with soldiers and androids, likely not having the blessing of the sweet dream I had experience not more than ten minutes before.

"Stay behind me, alright?" Luther holds both my hands in his. I nod. Sneaking past the many soldiers with guns we barely make it past 5 cars, sneaking behind a wall, a camp wall a soldier sees us from inside, shouting for another soldier, the muffled shouting from behind me made everything slow down, made me wish I had drowned it that river. As the other soldier turns his head, training his gun on us Luther puts his hands up, in pure fear, can't think of anything but putting his hands up. Shaking, the soldier shoves his gun barrel into my forehead, forcing me back. The soldier questioned us with simple questions, such as whether or not we were androids, and why we are sneaking around, and after a few moments of nodding and shaking my head, the soldier collapses. Kara standing with a brick in her hand In pure shock I stand up, rushing to her I hug her, tight enough that if she had lungs that would rise and collapse, I would have stopped her breathing. Alice crawls out from a car nearby and Luther meets her on his knees. Hugging her tightly. Letting go of kara she smiles, before turning to a serious expression, the four of us continue to sneak like criminals, criminals for being alive, through the snowy streets of Detroit, much less happy than the snow falling over our Vancouver home. Eventually reaching a clearing we see a checkpoint, calculating the percentage of being caught, it's only 18%. Whispering to kara and Luther from behind a bus "Kara, we don't have enough time to go the scenic route." I shift, looking around the bus to ensure we're safe. A couple approaches and I turn back to them "I think we should be alright, less than a 20% chance of us being caught" Looking at Alice, Luther, and then back to me she nods, walking out into the open, following to the soldiers. The men look at all of us, "ID, please?" Stumbling to get my ID, I had it to him. Scanning through our IDs he looks between us, "You know there's a citizen curfew, you cant be out unless absolutely necessary. Where are you going ?" He hands back our IDs Kara stutters for a moment, and putting on a smile she quickly lies "Oh- uhm this is my daughter- our car broke down, and my- my sister," she smiles harder putting her hand out to me "and her- her husband! We were all in the car, coming back from dinner at their house." She smiles. "Alright, hurry on home, we just have to be cautious. Deviants are out and our guys are nervous!" He exclaims. "Hurry along." Smiling in relief my victory is quickly overtaken by panic. "Wait-" the soldier calls, 'They're going to kill us all!' 'They'll shoot you, Alice and Kara,' 'Luther don't do anything you hear me?' Kara turns around, "You dropped this, the soldier holds out Alice's glove. Taking it she smiles a bit "Thank you..." as we walk back kara comforts Alice, and Luther puts his hand on the small of my back.

"Married huh?" I tease Kara.

"We made it Alice!" Kara holds Alice's hands tighter. Leaning into Luther, "We are so close."

"Don't worry, we will make it." small groups of people were gathered around talking in circles, or the latter being completely silent. Soon enough the soldiers began making their rounds. Doing temperature checks, and hurrying Kara attempting to find another crowd, only to be told they won't let us on without tickets. My heart sinks. Going through all the possibilities I separate from Kara, telling them to find another way. I would search the parking lot. A spark of hope fires, the emotions within me, that sunk in the river. Now lighting brighter than ever. Hurting towards adam rose sees me, hugging me tightly.

"Where is the rest of the group?" she looks concerned

"They're trying to find an alternative. I came in search of an escape." I place my hands in front of each other. "That's good, if you need me I have a boat open, a maximum of five people can go on it. There's room for you and your group." she looks serious. "If you are interested meet me back here in ten minutes." I nod returning to Alice and Kara. Luther standing not far behind them. "Well we got tickets." she holds out three. I immediately know what I needed to do.

"I have an opening on a boat, Rose offered for us if we couldn't find tickets. I'll meet you on the other side." I offer myself. Kara looks almost sad I offered myself to help them without a second thought. Well, I did have second thoughts. But being alive is willing to die for those you care for.

"Rue, I can't let you do that." Luther holds my shoulders. "I don't know what I will do if I cant find you on the other side." He looks off, loses eye contact then comes back. "You don't have to worry, we will find each other on the other side." "Now go, you can't miss the bus." Following them to the line I grab Luther, pulling him to my level, and kissing his cheek. "Ill see you on the other side, old friend."

Maybe this is what love feels like.

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