Part 8, The end of Jericho

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Making my way beyond the living and dead androids I can fully take in my surroundings, the before uninhabited and broken, upstairs was filled with androids, Kara standing in the stairway of one, directly above me were two of my models, next to each other giggling and then kissing. Two Tracis that found happiness. On the other stairway, I spotted Lucy next to a young man, familiar, but unsure of how I know him. Dangling off of him he told her a prophecy, similar to what she did to me so long ago. As Kara made her way down the stairs, she stopped. Staring for a moment. Turning to see what she saw, it was another 'Alice' a YK500, her face shocked. Luther comes up behind her, saying something Kara looks almost defeated. Walking over to them, standing next to Luther I hear him say;

"Forgetting who you are to become what someone needs you to be." "Maybe that's what it means to be alive." smiling and putting a hand on my shoulder at the last part I put my hand on top of his. Following Kara back to Alice, Alice looks between Luther and myself and then at Kara.

"Is there something wrong Kara?" she looks at her, her eyes full of realization, silent realization. "N-no nothing at all." Kara smiles, putting an arm around Alice, immediately i smile, sighing silently. "We'll be together forever, won't we Kara?" Alice smiles hugging her back. "Yes, Forever." Kara hurriedly nods. Swinging her in their hug.

While waiting Kara caught us up on how we would get to the border, we would leave an hour before the bus was to take off, and it took 13 minutes to get there, and once arriving we would buy 4 tickets and cross the border, finally free. We would stay with Roses's brother, I would get a starter job at a cafe, and then live in an apartment near Luthers, we would stay in contact with Kara. When I adopted a little kid, a girl, or a boy I don't care. As long as they're healthy. Alice and my little one could be friends and go to school together.

Closing my eyes I leaned back against Luther. Resting, a hand lays on top of my own.

My dreams, so to say. Consisted of the old house. The many rooms, sometimes the hallways were unending, and only one door held comfort, Luther would greet me and hug me, and then I would leave for the bedroom, waking up in artificial sweat once the click was sounded. Other times, it was just one room in the entire house, the bedroom, the only similarity is when I heard a 'click' i would wake up. This time, it was a bit different, every room had a door leading to another, every time I entered a room. It would change, to the bedroom. Swinging through the doors I heard the familiar click. Opening my eyes Luther had his back leaned against a crate, the bonfire crackling, I lay between Luther's legs, like stretched to the end of the crate. Luther's hands drape past his lifted knees. My head rested on his humor. When he noticed I was awake he leaned his cheek onto my head "You looked uncomfortable, so I moved you." he smiled. "Thank you" I leaned further into his arm. There was an understanding, we had only each other in one of the hardest situations to live through, Kara and Alice were the first androids, alive we had seen in a long time. So much have a conversation with. Thing like us sleeping in the same bed, or me laying on his chest it was nothing but a friendship, maybe others thought it was more but it wasn't.

A soft shaking made me sit up, and Kara as well. Quieting down I listen it sounded like planes?

"Kara? Rue? What is it?" He swings his legs over the crate, immediately noticing our discomfort.

"We need to leave! Now" Kara looks around panicked. Grabbing Luther's hand as the boat shakes violently. Hurrying away from the crowd Kara holds Alice's hand, sprinting and dragging her behind them. Shots can be heard as screams erupt from behind us. Luther Running just behind me. Winding through the hallways, soldiers coming from the sides we turn into another hallway. No time to look back I hold Luther's hand for comfort. As soldiers come from both sides Luther runs in front of me slamming a door open, hurrying us through. Shots are heard, the screams getting louder. Slamming the door behind us Luther rushes us past him. Turning through another hallway a shot comes from behind us, my hand disconnecting from his. "Shit!" I turn around, his leg with a bullet hole through it, he was shot. Unable to walk to waves his hand forward.

"Protect Alice! Leave me! Hurry! Rue save yourself!" Shouting he shuffles a bit.

"I'm not leaving you!" Running towards him I put his arm over my shoulder

"Kara! Alice! GO!" I wave them off, shuffling to a door. They nod and run off.

All of the strength I had could barely hold Luther's weight. His arm supported himself over my shoulders, his working leg shuffling towards a door. Just before a soldier can fire at us again, Luther slams the door open. Sitting him down, I shut and lock the door. Twisting it. Standing back and looking at Luther's leg in silence. I cover my mouth with my hands. "Luther..."

Patting the ground beside him he holds my hand. "Rue, you need to leave. I have the map of Jericho-" His speech is interrupted by a message from, the deviant leader, Markus.

"The ship is rigged to explode, there are exits on the 2nd and 3rd floors." Blinking, Luther holds out his arm, i connect to it. Receiving the map of Jericho. "Luther! We're on the third floor!" The exit should be, just to the left, two halls over, there's a hole, we can jump!" Luther looks to the side, deciding whether or not he would let me help him. "Alright. But if more soldiers come you have to run, leave me. Deal?" I hesitate. Nodding, Knowing if the soldiers came I would break my promise, I would die with Luther.

Promises are the sweetest type of lie.

Swinging the door open, Luther's arm over my shoulder once again, I hush us and hide behind a door. Peering out, we slam through another set of doors. Opening this door, just meters away, safety. Safety into a freezing river, a freezing river if stayed in too long would freeze me alive. Safety is more dangerous than shelter. "Luther go!" I whispered to him, pushing myself out, I head for the hole in the metal, pushing Luther in front of me, everything moving the slow motion, my calf grazed with a bullet, stumbling I push myself off the edge. Putting my legs together, diving like a swan into the water, Luther straightening himself. The cold water engulfed me. Warnings flashed across my vision, as I sunk lower and lower into the river I could feel my arms and legs slowly relax. The pressure holding me like a hug, kissing death on the cheek I let myself sink.






A/N: once again sorry for the short chapter! But oh me oh my, let's see what happens, our dear main character is in dangerrrrr

-all my love, Rue

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