Part 7, Reconcile

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After a few minutes, we hear the door close, and Rose enters through the back, her voice lets us know it's safe. Luther turns to Alice, kneeling to her height he whispers something in her ear, and she walks out the door, to the downstairs. Luther is about to lock the door, hesitating before, looking back at my somewhat panicked figure. Taking his place next to me on the bed, the mattress slants to accustom his weight. Smiling to myself I fold my hands in my lap.

"Rue, we need to talk." Luther puts a hand on my shoulder. His eyes showed worry.

"About what, I'm fine, is there something wrong with you?" I poorly lie, refusing to make eye contact.

He clears his throat putting his hands behind his body, supporting his weight. "I know what happened at, Zlatkos house, is, is well bothering you. I can see you relieving it Rue, I'm not clueless." He pleads to make eye contact with me, my heart wants to but my body won't let me, Slumping into him he sighs, "It's like I never left, when you locked the door when the bell rang." I looked up at him, our faces, our lips but an inch from each other. "I don't think I'm ready to go to Canada, Luther." I apologetically look down."I just can't leave." He shifts to face me, i do the same. Reaching out, grabbing my shoulders I flinch back. Almost shaking him off. His features showed hurt, his eyes softening. "Kara and Alice need to leave tonight, I think we should go with them, but my mind, just doesn't want me to leave yet." I pull his hands off my arms. Heading for the door, I open it slightly. Ready to leave, to change clothes, or do something to make me feel better. Luther stops me. "Care to dance?" He puts out a hand. Without opening my mouth I laugh, silently. "I would love to." Luther touches the stereo on the shelf and one of my favorites plays through the room, 'pretty woman' and a voice echoes with a harmonic instrumental behind it. His voice is full of soul. With every move, it felt as though I was moving between realities, between worlds, from the old living room, and staircase, to a child's bed and white furniture. I felt like I was losing my mind but Luther was losing his mind too, and we had an understanding, that it was happening together. So I didn't mind. His hands-on my hips and mine over his shoulders, we moved and shook to the voices playing. In our own world. The only thing I saw was the man before me, his eyes holding me in a trance, his humming like a honeycomb, gentle but pulled you in so smoothly. Just as I close my eyes, the door swings open, Adam. Quickly taking my arms off his shoulders I swing around, turning off the stereo. "O-oh oh uhm- I-" Adam didn't finish slamming the door, appalling me. Suddenly laughing came from beside me, Luther. Holding my hips still, he hung his head laughing, his smile brighter than the sun peeking through the blinds. Widening my eyes and then swinging my head back I laughed too. Harder than I ever had, putting my face into Luther's chest I released him. Walking out the now open door I waved to him. Running into Adam outside the door he looked oddly embarrassed, his cheeks flushed. I'm sure if mine could they would be even redder than his. Silently walking down the stairs I saw Alice look at me devilishly, smirking I knew she saw, giving her a warning look I raise my eyebrows and widen my eyes. Kara looks between us confused. I smile.

Rose comes back through the door. Slamming it behind her.

"Get your things ready." "We leave tonight," she said seriously.

Meeting Alice and Kara in the room, packing backpacks, and searching the pockets of the many jackets I had grabbed I found a hefty 30$, Luther had another 70$ and Kara had 100$, from Rose. 200$ would likely be enough to get us started, staying with roses brother would undeniably help us.

Roses Car drifts through the snow, a light mush along with it. When the car stops we are near the river, the dark sky reflecting an android I remember from Jericho, Lucy. Her eyes were black as the night sky with a beautiful luminance, rose looked between us all, giving her our last goodbyes she hugged me tightly. Looking at Luther she smiles

"Take care of them for me." She nudges him. I can't help but smile as Luther nods, rather seriously.

Walking along the road, I see the boat I had been to all those months ago. Finding our way through the bottom entrance, we make our way up. Guiding the group to the main room I help Kara find a warm place for Alice. Setting her near my fire I touch Luther's shoulder, "I need to find someone." I walk away. Grabbing my arm he makes eye contact, the touch feeling as though he doesn't want me to leave "Be careful." he nods.

Searching through the ship I eventually find her, undoubtedly North, with the same fire in her eyes but with more fuel now. Her hair changed from an ashy brown to a much lighter orange, tucked into her arm straps. Moving around, to look at her I smile. She makes eye contact, looking annoyed.

"May I help you?" she replies. Just stand there for a second more, waiting for her to realize. Once she does she immediately stands up. Grabbing me without warning and hugging me, no words must be exchanged but she pulls us apart. "I thought you were dead!" she sighs, "Me too, I assume you heard about Zlatko after I left?" I drop my arms. She nods. "Jericho is so much... More alive" and it was true, the used to be a dead ship, now it was littered with thousands of lost stories, now found.

"I found my people" I smile pointing towards Luther and Alice sitting idly nearby. She softens hugging me again. "I'm so glad I got to see you again Rue." she smiles and walks away. Up a set of stairs. Finally remembering the ship in full, I walk to a familiar corner, a Traci sits by a knocker-over bonfire, hand-holding something no longer there, her skin completely noniridescent now, yet a pair of heels sit next to each other, to her right. Setting the bonfire can upright I light it. Hoping to bring her light, even in death.

A/N: My first Authors note!!!! I'm your author, Rue, of course. I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm sincerely sorry for the short chapter, but the next few will be very exciting!!!


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