˚ ◍₊ * 1 ⋆◍ 。

Start from the beginning

"Sounds like a you problem," he said. I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Don't forget that you have to wake up to it tomorrow," I said putting emphasis on the 'you'. I could hear the very moment the smirk was wiped right off his face.

I laughed at the elders' actions as I wished him a good night, him doing the same. I turned to my side going deep into thought. How did we even become friends in the first place?

I remember it being a bright Wednesday morning. School children shuffled along the hallways. It had been a while since the semester had started but yet still I found myself struggling to navigate around the school. It wasn't like I was a new student or anything it's just that they'd renovated and expanded the entire school over the break and it's difficult trying to find where the classes were newly relocated. Where did the school even get all of the money to do all of that? I took my bets on the principal secretly being a gang leader seeing that it was the most sensible answer.

I looked at my watch and saw that I had three minutes left until the bell rung. What a pain I thought not wanting to be late for class; I scrambled looking for the crumpled piece of paper I had shoved in my pocket earlier which had all the room allocations on it. Wasting no time I zoomed through the corridors trying to find the right class. After about a million twists and turns later I still hadn't found my class. Signaling that the universe was against me and hated every single fiber of my being the bell rung. I let out a strained groan as I slapped the paper against my forehead, trudging down the lengthy hallway. After what felt like eternity of looking I finally stumbled upon a room which was marked 'Room 1-A', seeing that it matched the room on the paper I let out a sigh of relief. That feeling didn't last long one bit....what are the chances.

As I walked into the room my eyes landed upon a fairly tall kid wearing a ballerina tutu on his bottom half and his regular school shirt, tie and blazer on the top half. As if this situation couldn't get any weirder he was singing 'Let it go' from the frozen movie in a very off-key pitch. As I was about to turn the other way to get away from the maniac, our eyes made four as we both stared at each other with surprised faces.

The blonde haired kid just smiled brightly at me as he spoke, "Are you looking for something?" he said staying in, what I assumed was first position.

"Uhm yeah?" I said with an unsure tone " I was looking for my drama class but I don't think this is it" I continued, unsure about my words.

"Oh! you must be looking for '1-A West'. This is '1-A East'." he said whilst doing pirouettes towards me, stopping when he had closed the distance between us. Since when were there 'east' and 'west' classrooms in this school? My unspoken question was left to drift away as the off-brand Elsa spoke up again "I can show you the way if you'd like?" he politely asked with a grin brighter than my social life.

I hesitantly nodded at his offer, seeing that I had no other option at hand but before he could dart through the door I stopped him in his tracks.

"You aren't going with that are you?" I questioned pointing at his lower half with a judgmental gaze.

He looked down in confusion, seemingly not knowing what I was referring to. His eyes went wide as he shifted his curious gaze to match mine and let out a nervous chuckle as he skipped back towards his backpack.

"I forgot whoopsie," he said with a worryingly good child voice considering his naturally deep one.

How does one forget they are wearing a skirt? Is it not like...breezy, down there? I rolled my eyes as he quickly put on his neatly ironed pants and stuffed the tutu in his bag. Slinging one of the straps over his shoulder, he jogged towards me.

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