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The next morning, I woke up pretty early without the aid of my useless alarm clock; but that didn't distract from the fact that I felt like absolute shit. I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night, especially since I knew that I had school the next day. I blame Jeongin for keeping me up at such ungodly hours.

I held my aching head as I rolled out of bed, trying my best to not aggravate the pounding sensation even further. I trudged over to my dresser and reached for the small bottle of painkillers on it, taking out two of the capsules and downing them with the glass of water that I had sitting on my nightstand for God knows how long. Hopefully, nothing crawled into the glass whilst it was practically living on my nightstand.

I let out a yawn as I looked over to my 'trusty' analogue clock. I let out a pleased hum as I saw that it was 6:30. I stretched once more before making my way down the stairs into the kitchen to figure out what I'd have for lunch. As soon as I stepped foot downstairs the fragrant scent of curry slapped me in my face. I let my nose follow the smell straight to its source and it lead me to the kitchen where I found my sister happily making whatever she was making in the frying pan with a spatula all while humming a small tune.

"Morning." I stretched my hands upward as I let out yet another yawn for the morning.

Jiyoung, my sister, turned to face me in complete silence. She looked at me from head to toe and then proceeded to give me the stankest stank face I have ever seen in my life. I was a little confused by her behaviour at first but I then remembered the events from last night.

I sighed as I scratched my scalp, "You're not still thinking about that, are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Not my fault I'm still traumatized from what I had to witness." she said while wiping her fake tears.

"Stop being dramatic. It's not like you had your glasses on anyway. I know for a fact you couldn't see shit." I groaned as I made my way over to the living room.

"How about you try seeing your younger brother's small peepee in 144p quality!" She retaliated, sounding on the verge of actual tears.

"Ok- see...now I feel offended by that statement." I turned around to face her once more and continued. "I'll have you know that my peepee is very-"

"SHUT UP! Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. Your lunchbox is on the counter. Take it and leave my sight, forever." Jiyoung then turned off the stove and took the frying pan in her hand to place the kimchi pancake she had made onto her plate.

"Did you make one of those for me?" I asked, pulling off my best puppy eyes.

"Didn't I just tell u to leave my sight forever?" She said with a quirked brow, looking directly at me. The now empty frying pan still in her hand.

I sulked as I made my way back up the stairs, dragging my feet behind me in defeat. She's such a bully.

I wasted absolutely no time getting ready as I wanted to arrive at school on time today. I grabbed my schoolbag that was sitting on my chair and walked out of my room heading downstairs once again. But this time, instead of my sister, I was faced with the sight of my mother in the kitchen stirring her cup of coffee that she had every morning with a small wooden stick, taste-testing the hot drink before throwing away the stick. She paid me no mind as per usual. She did what she did best and just ignored me.

The distasteful sight of my mother didn't sour my mood for long as I saw a plate with a kimchi pancake on it with a small note saying "Here you go S.P.P." with a smiley face.

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