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My arm hurt as it was being pulled continuously by the short browned haired male, Jisung. He quite literally dragged me down the street as I stumbled behind him.

"Why are short people so aggressive?" I muttered under my breath.

The hazelnut-haired male seemingly heard me and violently shoved me across the sidewalk with angry puffs and a tiny pout. If I were anyone else I would have found it somewhat adorable, but with me being me he honestly looked like a dog who ran a marathon on its hind legs and is begging for water; not sure what that image is supposed to look like but you get my point.

With a forceful shove across the street and a bite to my shoulder, courtesy of Jisung, we finally made it to the supply store. I'm surprised a car didn't hit us because we walked through ongoing traffic.

Jisung pushed the door but found that it didn't open.

"Is the store closed?" he questioned.

I let out a sigh and walked in front of him, shoved the smaller male to the side, pulled the door open, holding it ajar, and motioned with my other hand inside for the other to walk in. Jisung blinked in surprise and happily waddled inside. A small 'idiot' escaped my lips.

As we entered, the smell of new books and lavender-scented air freshener hit my nostrils. Shelves were packed with a range of books, from adventure to romance, and in the very back had a variety of stationery; what we had come here for. Though, I had to remember to visit here once more because it looked like they had some new books in stock.

Shopping with Jisung was equivalent to a single mother taking their four-year-old child to the mall. He touched anything in sight, finding amusement in everything that he stumbled upon. One time, Jisung and the rest of us went window shopping, and he saw a giant elephant in the showcase of a children's store. Let's just say he was broke afterwards. Considering his usual hyperactive habits, it was quite strange that he was so silent all of a sudden when he was bubbling with excitement two seconds ago. His head hung low as he watched where he stepped, grabbing the straps of his bag and hiking it up his back more. Being the good friend I am, I asked what was wrong, only to be disappointed in the answer.

"Nothing, you're supposed to stay quiet in a library," he answered in a hushed tone.

My expression immediately dropped, the hand that was previously holding onto my crossbody bag strap now at my side balled into a small fist.

"Do you seriously think that this is a library?" I grit my teeth.

"Well, it has books." He replied in a questioning tone.

I didn't bother to correct him at this point and instead sighed and walked ahead. At least he was not being as loud as he usually was. Yes, Jisung can be an absolute idiot sometimes, to the point I want to deck him in the throat, but he's still one of the very few people that I'm comfortable around. You can say I tolerate him.

Walking deeper into the store, we agreed to split up and go our separate ways so that I won't get distracted and ultimately forget to purchase something I need and that Jisung can go to freely scavenge for his pencil.

As I was gathering all the supplies I needed, I stumbled upon these adorable animal pencil toppers, but what caught my eye was this specific puppy one. It had big round eyes and floppy ears. I giggled whilst looking at the silly thing. It was just too cute to bypass. Just when I was about to put pick one up, a voice startled me, causing me to throw down the entire display.

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