Bella moved her ear closer to Hermione's mouth and whispered, "me too," as she rocked into her girlfriend harder. They were both so wet there was no real no rhythm. Hermione reached around and grabbed Bella's ass, bringing her faster and harder into her center, causing the older woman to rock her own pussy faster on Hermione's thigh. "Fuck," she panted as her breathing quickened, surrounding herself in the whimpers, moans and broken pleas that came from below her.

An expert hand snaked its way down Hermione's front as she swiftly entered her needy pussy, thrusting in and out of her hard and fast, her palm pressing against her clit as she used her thigh to rock her hand harder and deeper. Hermione's walls here pulling her fingers in, drowning in the liquids rushing from her. "I'm cumming," she breathed out, followed by a scream as white lights blinded her eyes as she was hurdled over the edge of ecstasy by Bella's expert fingers.

Bella's hips were still rocking her own pussy against Hermione's thigh but they slowed in order to see her girlfriend back down from her orgasm. She brought their lips together in a passionate kiss, Hermione groaning at the taste of herself on the older woman. "Did you?" She asked breathlessly when they separated.

"No," Bella shook her head, placing a few kisses on Hermione's mouth and around her face, ending at the tip of her nose. "We have all morning," she pulled back and winked at her girlfriend.

"You are so wet," Hermione flexed her thigh up into Bella, causing her to groan. The noises of Bella's pleasure was the most melodic sound she had ever heard. She reached up and cupped Bella's cheeks, pulling her down into a heated kiss before she flipped them over and straddled her hips. "My turn," she whispered as she licked the outer shell of her ear before she started her slow descent, leaving a trail of open mouthed kissed down Bella's body.

The pair finally rolled out of bed completely satisfied twenty minutes before they had to check out, taking a quick shower and putting on the spare clothing Bella had packed for them. Hermione's body ached in the best possible way after spending the night and morning being completely lost in her girlfriend. They arrived back at the English Rose a little after 2 having stopped for a quick lunch on their way home as they had both worked up quite the appetite from their bedroom endeavors. "Let me," Bella smiled at Hermione as she pulled out the box with her new key in it.

The bookshop owner just smiled at her girlfriend. The shop looked like it was closed, her grandfather must not have come over to open it knowing they would be still coming home from their date. She would have to call him later to thank him for checking in on the cats. "Go on then," she nodded towards the front door.

Bella hurried up the sidewalk and put her key in the lock, turning it slightly to the right as she heard the telltale sound of the door giving away to her magical key. "Works like a charm. You'll never get rid of me now."

Hermione came up beside her girlfriend and kissed her cheek, "that was my master plan all along."

"A plan I can fully get behind," Bella chuckled and stepped aside for Hermione to enter while she grabbed the bags from the donation bin. When she entered the shop, a tiny yet fierce, loud, angry and slightly opinionated meow was heard as the patter of little feet flew down the stairs. "It seems someone wasn't happy about our lie in this morning," she chuckled, putting the bags of books on the counter and placing their overnight bag on the floor. "Good afternoon, madam," she smiled at the kitten before bending down and scooping the tiny bundle up in her arms. "I'm sorry we were gone for so long. Mummy finally gave me some last night," Bella looked over at her girlfriend who scoffed at the remark. She shrugged, "do you forgive us? We missed you terribly." The small kitten looked up at Bella seemingly considering her apology before rubbing her head against her best friend and purring. "Now, we got you something while we were away," she put Squeaks down with only the smallest protest and walked over to her overnight back rustling around for a small baggie of homemade cat treats that they bought from one of the vendors at the festival the previous evening. "It seems your brother didn't miss us as much but we got him some treats too," Bella smiled when Squeaks started meowing and circling her feet after the baggie was opened. "Speak of the devil," she laughed when the chunky orange cat came prancing over for his treat. "Here you go sir," she handed one to Crooks. "And for you madam," she placed a small treat in front of Squeaks who pounced on it.

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