Chapter [10]

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Chapter [10]
Entity 303

More days and more nights had passed, forcing Wither and Skeleton to grow closer with one another.
Skeleton, to his surprise, found himself laughing at Wither's jokes occasionally, or actually taking notice in things that Wither said.

Wither seemed to pick up on his behaviour, and started becoming more comfortable around him as well.

Wither had also been hearing the others talk about Skeleton as well. He was doing pretty well in class, and sometimes even did the sheets that Wither was working on. He wasn't the best, but you know, still pretty smart.


"So I see that you and Skel are getting pretty close~"

Zombie smirked and winked suggestively at Wither. He just turned to look at him with a very sleep deprived expression.

"Skel? Oh, Skeleton... well of course, we are roommates after all?"

Wither said, looking confused and scrunching his face up. Zombie facepalmed, how could the smartest student be this stupid?

"No— like you two, together?"

He asked again, simplifying what he was saying the first time. Wither just shrugged and materialised a bottle of water, chugging it before widening his eyes and spitting out what he hadn't swallowed.

"W-WHAT?! Me and Skeleton?! No way!! We're just roommates, geez..."

Zombie's face fell as Wither began walking back towards his house. Zombie in turn did the same, but instead started back to Monster School, where the others were hanging out.

All apart from Skeleton, who was sitting in his room looking out of the window, watching Wither approaching and writing in his notebook.

Yet something caught his attention behind Wither; another entity, dressed in what seemed to be a white hoodie? He wasn't sure.

But he did something to Wither, something that Skeleton didn't understand.
He grabbed Wither's shoulders, and...— and disappeared?

Although that's all that Skeleton saw, he knew that it wasn't good at all.

'Wither' slowly turned to look up at Skeleton, and that's when he definitely knew that something was wrong.

Wither's eyes were shiny red, and he was grinning like a madman.
His eyes were usually obsidian black, and he was usually cool and collected.

Skeleton stashed his bow in his inventory. This guy seemed like trouble.

He entered the house, quickening his pace compared to what he normally did.


Skeleton's door swung open, making him jump slightly. 'Wither' just stood there, smiling like a maniac.

Skeleton backed away, closer to the wall. And the window.

"You aren't Wither..."

"Correct! I am Entity 303!"

Skeleton didn't like this guy. He felt on edge; it was like he'd taken over Wither's mind, like he was... possessed...

Skeleton shuddered; Entity... seemed to get creepier every second that passed.

"You know... I would kill you right now on the spot. But I'm feeling nice sooooo... whoops!"

Skeleton felt Wither's hands on his shoulders, but they didn't feel warm and comforting like they were before. They felt cold and... unforgiving.

And before he knew it, Skeleton was out of the second story window.

He hit the floor with a solid thunk! Skeleton groaned, and picked himself up.
Should've used the fucking bow.

Skeleton felt dizzy.
Dizzy as fuck.
But he got up.
He had to.

He still felt eyes on him.
He felt ill.

But he got up.

And he ran.
Ran to Monster School.
To warn the others.



Not All Of Us Are Evil (Wither x Skeleton)[BEING REWRITTEN- THIS IS THE OLD ONE]Where stories live. Discover now