Chapter [9]

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Chapter [9]

Wither stood at the gates of Monster School, glad for the day off that they were given.
He couldn't shake the feeling that something was... off.
He had felt like this since he'd promised himself that he'd show Skeleton that not all Wither Skeletons are evil, and it hadn't gone away.

"You really think he'll trust you?"

Wither spun around, trying to figure out who said that. His netherite sword materialised in his hand in an instant, yet nothing tried to attack.

"You're a Wither Skeleton for God's sake!"

"Shut up!"

Wither shouted, his eyes flashing green as he used his abilities to detect everyone in a 50 mile vicinity to see who was feeding him this useless information.

There was no one other than his classmates and Herobrine.

"It's a bit sad how you still try. He'll NEVER trust you."

Wither began to ignore the statements, choosing to tune them out rather than to listen to them.

The voices eventually stopped, he assumed that they'd realised that he wasn't going to acknowledge them.

"I will prove that he can trust me!  It just might... take a while... like it did with Enderman..."

Wither muttered, confirming to himself that even though it might take longer than expected, he was going to finish the test that he set for himself.


Skeleton was sitting in the house that Wither and him shared, but not in his room. He was sitting on Wither's bed, after trying to find something, anything, that he could convince himself not to trust Wither.
So far, he'd come up with nothing against him.

Other than his kind attacking his family, Skeleton had nothing against Wither specifically.

He sighed and stood up, going to leave. Reaching the door, he goes to open it and standing there is Wither.


He just looked very confused.

"What were you doing in my room?"

"Looking for evidence."

Skeleton said, not even giving Wither time to respond as he pushed past him and into his own room.

Evidence for what?...


Long ago, Nether Skeletons and Overworld Skeletons used to live in peace.
They had come together to form an army, one to attack the End dimension.
The two leaders of the Skeleton army marched to the end alone, to meet the leader of the Enderman army.
An argument sprung up, and war was waged.
The skeleton army won, forcing the remaining Endermen to go into hiding.
(This is why Enderman was scared of Wither when they first met, before they built up a strong bond).
As a peace offering between the two, the End dimension offered them an egg.
The Nether Skeletons greedily accepted this strange gift, whereas the Overworld Skeleton tried to convince them that it looked like a trap.
They didn't listen though, and eventually paid the price for not doing so.

One by one, the Nether Skeletons were affected, their bones turning brittle and black.
Instead of dying, though, like the End had assumed, they turned evil, brutally murdering any and all mobs that got in there way.
All of the Nether Skeletons had been affected, most of them had corrupted minds that turned them evil.
The odd few that had turned, but their minds had not been affected, took to fleeing, leaving behind friends and family members that had already been corrupted.
They began going against their promise, attacking and killing all of the Overworld Skeletons.
They decided to cut off the deal, the Nether Skeletons becoming Wither Skeletons as they became withered and made their base in the Nether.
Extremely often, they would send Wither Skeletons out to go attack Overworld Skeletons.

This leads us to the main problem; what will Wither do to prove to Skeleton that he's not corrupted?



Not All Of Us Are Evil (Wither x Skeleton)[BEING REWRITTEN- THIS IS THE OLD ONE]Where stories live. Discover now