Chapter 14 Nostalgia

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We make it to the plaza to see a bunch of booths set up with a bunch of inventions around them. Suddenly, a big board begins to light up causing me to look over to see a couple of Inventors standing under it.

"She's here!" Hatsu chirps causing me to put on a confused expression. "Who's here?" I wonder as I look over at the Inventors again to see one of them looked exactly like Fuyuko, but older.

"Come on." Fuyuko insists as she grabs onto my arms and we begin walking over to them.

"Hello, you two." The dark haired woman with purple eyes that was like a exact replica of Fuyuko greets.

"Mom!" Hatsu and Fuyuko chorus as she lets go of my arm and they both rush over to the woman and my eyes widen to see them both smiling brightly.

"That's Hotaru Nogi the famous inventor and the twins Mother." Sozo informs causing a slight smile to appear on my face. "So that's why that woman and Fuyuko look alike." I think as we walk closer causing Hotaru to look over at me and Sozo.

"Nice to see you, Mrs. Nogi." Sozo says causing Hotaru to nod, but she turns to me and narrows her eyes at me. "She shows even less emotion than Fuyuko does." I think as I stared up at her, but see a slight smirk appears.

"You must be Tsubaki, right?" Hotaru asks and I nod.

"Yes, I'm Tsubaki. How did you know?" I question causing her to look down at Fuyuko and Hatsu.

"The only thing these two talk about is you." Hotaru respond causing my eyes to widen, but Fuyuko and Hatsu's faces begin to turn red.

"Mom!" Fuyuko and Hatsu bellow causing me to chuckle.

"Are you teasing them?" A male voice rings out causing us all to look over to see a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, who resembles Hatsu.

"Maybe..." Hotaru trails off with a straight face, but Hatsu and Fuyuko's faces light up.

"Dad!?" They exclaim with excitement on their faces and he walks up to them. "So did they want me to come with them and meet their parents?" I wonder as something purple catches my eyes causing me to turn to see a woman with long dark purple hair with brown eyes staring at me. "Does this lady have a starring problem?" I wonder as she finally notices me starring back causing her to quickly turn and walk away.

"So you're Tsubaki. It's nice to meet you." The blonde guys voice pulls me out of my thought causing me to turn to him.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you as well, Mr. Nogi." I greet, but he then chuckles.

"No need for that just call me Ruka." Mr. Nogi insists and I nod. "Come to think of it, I felt as if I knew her for some reason." I think as I glance over to where the lady was standing.

"Mr. Ruka, is that you?!" An annoying voice ring out causing me to look over, but I'm then knock out of the way as I see Akari in front of Ruka with a bright smile.

"Oh, Akari. It's nice to see you... How have you been?" Ruka asks looking a bit nervous, but then I feel something touch my arm causing me to look over and see Sozo helping me to my feet.

"Are you alright?" Sozo questions causing me to nod.

"Yeah..." I trail off causing Sozo to chuckle.

"Sorry, Akari always gets like that when it comes to Mr. Nogi or Mr. Hyuga." Sozo informs causing me to put on a confused expression.

"Mr. Hyuga?" I ask causing Sozo to put on a nervous expression.

"Kazume's Dad... Apparently Akari's Mom had a fan-club for both of them." Sozo answers in a whisper.

"I guess you could say she takes after her Mom in that aspect." Fuyuko's voice sounded in my ear causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"Is that so..." I trail off as I put on an annoyed expression. "So both her Mom and herself are boy crazy, huh?" I think as I let out a sigh.

"Hey, guys. Our parents want to take us to go eat, let's go!" Hatsu calls out.

"Okay, we get it." Fuyuko states causing Hatsu to glare at her."

"Okay, you two. Let's go eat!" I chirp as I grab Sozo and Fuyuko's hand as we begin walking over to Hatsu, who began leading the way. "I wonder if that woman is a famous inventor or something...?" I wonder as I begin looking around to then catch a glimpse of the woman with purple hair heading into the forest causing my eyes to widen.

"What's up?" Fuyuko questions and I look over at her.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom." I respond causing Sozo to look over at me.

"Do you want us to come along so you don't get lost?" Sozo asks causing me to chuckle.

"I'm not that incompetent. I'll find yall once I'm done, I promise I won't get lost." I swear causing them to both sigh and then nod.

"See you in a bit." Fuyuko declares and I nod, but then let go of their hands and head in the direction of the Purple haired lady. I make it into the forest, but there was no sign of her causing me to let out a sigh.

"Why did you follow me?" A woman's voice rings out, but a rush of nostalgia comes over me, which makes me slowly turn to her and her eyes widen.

"That mark..." The woman trails off causing me to put my hand to it.

"This. What about it?" I ask as I narrow my eyes at her. "This feeling I'm getting from her, it's contradicting... It's as if I know her, but I should be cautious." I think as she begins to walk towards me with a look of disbelief.

"W-what are you-" I'm interrupted when she gently places her hand on mine causing the feeling of nostalgia to grow. Moving my hand she stares at my mark for a moment as a sullen expression begin to form on her face.

"It can't be... What's you're name?" The woman questions causing me to put on a suspicious expression and smack her hand from me and back up.

"Ever heard of personal space, woman? I don't know why you want my name, but it's Tsubaki." I respond as I glance over to see she turned pale and had the expression of seeing a ghost.

"You're supposed to be dead..." The woman trails off causing me to glare at her.

"Dead? What the hell are you talking about woman?!" I exclaim, but then the sound of a twig snapping causing us both to look over to see Shiki standing there. "Shiki, but what's with that look? Does he know this woman?" I wonder as Shiki had a look of disbelief, while staring at the woman.

"Chizome?" Shiki finally asks as he goes to step forward, but she glares at him.

"Shiki..." Chizome trails off, however she then throws a orb on the ground causing a pink mist to envelope us. Suddenly my vision goes blurry as I begin falling, but instead of hitting the ground I felt a warmth I've longed for so long.

"My precious Tsubaki." Chizome's voice echoed through my head as my vision goes black.

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