Chapter 3- Friends

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"You make it sound like I have a choice." Kazume states causing Narumi to turn to me.

"Alright, Tsu-chan please go take a seat beside Kazume." Narumi requests and I let out a sigh, while nodding my head. "I just leave it alone..." I think as I make my way over and sit beside Kazume.

"Mr. Narumi, what are we going to do today?" Akari asks, while raising her hand.

"Actually, I decided we are going to have a study hall today." Narumi answers causing me to put on a confused expression. "What's a study hall?" I wonder, but Narumi then makes his way out of the room as I hear a few people groan.

"What's with that mark on your face?" Kazume asks causing me to glance over at him with an annoyed expression.

"And why should I tell you?" I question turning towards him as I see Hatsu, who was sitting on the other side of Kazume eyes widen slightly as he glanced over at me.

"We're going to be partners from now on, whether you like it, or not..." Kazume trails off causing me to roll my eyes.

"Partners or not, I couldn't give a damn." I declare as I stand up from my seat.

"How dare you talk to Kazume like that, you Street Pig!" Akari bellows while pointing at me. "Street Pig?!" I wonder as I glare over at the girl, but I smile spreads across my face.

"I'd watch that arrogant tone of yours, especially when my powers far superior to yours!" I declare as I activate my power causing her to fall to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Akari exclaims as she begin to get into a bowing position and I walk over to her.

"This is my power." I state as I go to step on her, but someone grabs my arm causing me to look over to see the Black haired girl, who had an emotionless expression.

"I'd stop if I were you." The girl advised and I put on a confused expression.

"It's against the rules to inflict harm on another student using ones Alice." Sozo adds as she rushes over to us.

"Fine!" I say as I look over at Akari, which releases her from my hold and she collapses onto the floor with a groan.

"Of course a Street Rat like you, would have such a barbaric Alice." Akari insists as I turn to her with an angry expression.

"Enough Akari." The black haired girl states as she hits Akari on the head with a Hog Hoof glove before I could do anything.

"Ahh, Nogi!" Akari shouts as she holds her head that now has a Hog Hoof indention in it and my eyes widen.

"What is that?" I ask and she turns to me with a robotic expression.

"This is the Hog Hoof glove invention I made recently, it was an invention I modeled off of one of my Mother's inventions It is used to unthrottled idiots." The black haired girl answers, but Hatsu walks over and grabs the glove with an annoyed expression.

"Fuyuko, you created that with your Alice so you practically used your power to inflict harm!" Hatsu declares causing the black haired girl, whose name is Fuyuko to roll her eyes.

"Wait, are you two related?" I ask pointing at them and they both nod.

"We're twins." Fuyuko and Hatsu chorus and my eyes widen. Suddenly, something jumps out of Hatsu's bag at me and I fall backwards by it's force.

"Ow..." I trail off as I look down to see a bunny, who was the same cover as my hair and had the same color eyes as me. "Why is this tiny rabbit so strong?" I wonder as Hatsu quickly rushes over and grabs the bunny.

"Sorry, Tsubaki it's a new machine I made and I'm still working out some of the kinks." Hatsu explains as I stare at the bunny, with a confused expression.

"Wait, you're telling me that bunnies a robot?" I question and Hatsu nods.

"Yeah, my Alice allows my robots to come to life and function like the things they were based off of, like this rabbit here." Hatsu explains, but Fuyuko takes the bunny from him and hands it to me.

"And I have the regular old invention Alice, same as our Mother." Fuyuko explains as I stare down at the bunny. "This is insane..." I think as I glance over to see Kazume staring at me.

"I've been on the street for as long as I can remember, I don't know my last name or if I even have one and this mark on my face has always been there... Even though I'm saying this does not mean I want you're pity, I just thought since you both shared information about yourselves that I should do the same." I explain as I looked out the window causing the bunny to run up my arm and laid on my shoulder, while nestling my hair.

"Let's be friends!" Fuyuko declares, while grabbing my hands as I look back at her.

"What?" I ask as I felt something inside of myself changed.

"Yes, you and I are friends now, Tsubaki-chan!" Fuyuko answers with a slight smile and I nod.

"Me too!" Sozo adds as she smiles brightly at us. "Friends... I feel like I can really trust these people, but should I?" I wonder as I look back over to see Kazume with a bit of a satisfied expression, but as soon as our eyes met he quickly turned away, which causes me to burst out laughing.

"Okay, I give up. You both win!" I chirp with a smile. "I didn't think I'd be able to make friends this fast... I may regret this, but right now I don't care!" I think as the bell then rings causing a lot of people to get up from their seats and walk out of the classroom.

"I'm hungry." Fuyuko insists as she begin dragging me by my hand.

"O-oh okay." I stutter as Sozo rushes over to us and we exit out of the classroom.

"Wait up, Fuyuko!" Someone calls out causes us to turn to see Hatsu and Kazume walking over to us.

"What?" Fuyuko questions causing Hatsu to put on an annoyed expression.

"Have you finished with your assignments from your Ability type class?" Hatsu asks narrowing his eyes at her.

"You're annoying, Hatsu." Fuyuko answers and I put on a confused expression.

"I'll take that as a no." Hatsu states as he grabs her arm and begin to drag her away. "Those two are really something..." I think, but I then look over at Sozo.

"Um, what's this Ability Type class?" I ask as we begin to turn and walk again.

"Depending on your Alice you are put into one of the four Ability Type classes, which Middle School and Elementary students get together once a week. So in other words a joint class with the same type of Alice you posses." Sozo explains and I turn away from her.

"What type are you two?" I question as I glance back at Kazume, who had been following us.

"I have the illusion Alice so I'm in the Latin Type class, Hatsu and Fuyuko are in the Technical Type..." Sozo responds as Kazume looks away with an annoyed expression.

"The Special Ability Type." Kazume states, but then begins to walk away. "Where is he going?" I wonder, but Sozo puts on an uncomfortable expression.

"I'm surprised he answered you." Sozo insists causing me to glance back over at her with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" I ask as we begin to walk once again.

Hatsu and Fuyuko have been the only ones Kazume usually talks to since coming to this Academy, even though Akari and I both grew up with the three of them he hasn't said a word to us." Sozo answers.

"That's surprising, I mean since I've met him he hasn't shut up. So I find that hard to believe, but he does give me lone wolf vibes." I state as I glance over at he window.

"We all think it has to do with his parents..." Sozo trails off causing me to glance over at her, which causes her to realize what she said. "Nevermind, just pretend I didn't say anything!" Sozo declares and I nod as we make it to a pretzel stand. "She mentioned his parents, but completely shut it down before I ask anything. I should leave it alone, it's not my problem." I think, but the wanting to know grew stronger inside me as a robot from inside the pretzel stand comes up to us.

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