Assassin Sights Part I

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Zinagata flies to where the powerful blast that just missed him originated from. He flies about two miles at incredible speed until he finally reaches a tall building with a construction scaffold on top. As he gets closer to it, another beam is shot out from the roof. Zinagata sees the energy spark and hurl toward him. He narrowly dodges it and follows the blast trail with his eyes to pinpoint the exact spot where it came from.

Zinagata responds with an energy blast of his own. He fires the beam to that location, only to see a figure back flips out of the way of the scolding blast. The figure comes into focus and Zinagata sees a young lady in black and gray armor, The Black Doll. Zinagata comes at her with a punch from the sky. The blow is powerful. Even with her arms up to shield her from the attack, its force ripples through her body and into the concrete she stands on, cracking and cratering it.

The Black Doll generates a dome-like field of energy from her body, knocking Zinagata back off her. She follows it up by flipping at Zinagata and going for a jumping kick. He ducks under it, but this doesn't slow down The Black Doll. She continues her assault with round house kicks that Zinagata has to block. She goes for four before Zinagata attacks. As soon as he sees an opening, he hits The Black Doll in the stomach with a punch and then one to her face. As the punch sends her flying back, she flips herself around and digs her heels and fingers into the concrete to stop her momentum.

After she stops herself, she quickly gathers her energy to her hand and fires a beam right at Zinagata. The beam comes at him too fast to dodge. Zinagata can only get his hands up in the way to protect himself. The beam hits his hands causing streaks of it to split off and slice into the ground behind him. After a few seconds, the beam explodes, coating the area in a thick smoke.

As the smoke clears, Zinagata looks to where The Black Doll was earlier to see she's gone. He walks over to that spot to see another construction curtain, and behind that an opening to the ledge of the building leading down into the city. The Black Doll slipped out while the smoke covered the air.

Zinagata's mind fixates on the beams that The Black Doll was able to generate. They were immensely powerful, stronger than anything he had seen before. She could unleash them from an almost impossible distance, making her a dangerous foe to still be lurking in the world around them.


Jessie and Ryannus pull up to the flipped over car belonging to Secretary Peters in the middle of the road. A small fire dances on the now visible underbed of the vehicle. Jessie stomps on the breaks a little ahead of the vehicle. Ryannus keeps an eye out for any Neo-Vandals in the area while Jessie rips open the door of the Secretary's car to see if he's still alive. Jessie finds him unconscious, hurt, but breathing. She checks his pulse on his neck and then pulls him out of the over-turned car.

Ryannus, still keeping watch, knows a Neo-Vandal did this and that they're hiding somewhere. Up the road ahead, they see a convoy of National Guard jeeps and other law enforcement vehicles coming towards them. They are no doubt responding to the Titan attack siren. Seeing them coming will allow them to leave the Secretary there while they go look for the rest of the Neo-Vandals. Jessie walks back over to Ryannus from Secretary Peters.

Jessie- "See anything?"

Ryannus- "I know they're still here; I just can't see them."

Two beams fly at Ryannus and Jessie. Both sense the beams at the last second and dive to the ground. The beams roar by and explode into the cemented road, kicking up pieces at the two Riukens. The beams came from a Neo-Vandal standing at the corner of a street in front of them, standing under a tall, circular building pillar. The Zolleran fires two more beams at Jessie and Ryannus, missing again.

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