"How about that one? He's giving you quite the look" his friend pointed, then all of a sudden Jimin found the knight's eyes upon him. 

Well since he had their attention he might as well give them a piece of his mind, there were a lot of words up their to use, not all pleasant. 

The knights approached him on top of their great stallions. In that moment Jimin felt smaller than he had ever been, they looked down upon him. 

"What's your name?" the knight asked. 

"What's it to you?" Jimin spat out.

"My name is Murdock" the knight introduced himself. "That's Ho-jin" he gestured to the other knight, the one who had initially pointed him out in the crowd.

"Still doesn't give me a reason as to why I should give you my name" Jimin shrugged.

"You've got spunk kid" Murdock grinned, Jimin didn't like that smile one bit.

He knew he was digging is own grave, but he turned around and walked away from them. He allowed himself a small smile, enjoying the brief moment of power as he continued to walk. With the crowd he was easily able to slip through compared to the stallions the knights were seated upon.


When the knights did catch up to him, he wasn't expecting something to thwack into his back sending him scrawling to his knees. From his knees looking up he was that much smaller, like he was praying and looking up to his savior. But he felt anything but happiness looking up to these men.

Jimin took it all without as much as a grunt of pain, he would not show the knights any weakness.

"Just say you'll be my apprentice then all the pain will be over" Murdock taunted.

Jimin rose to his knees purely so he could spit the blood accumulating in his mouth directly onto the knights face. The facial expression Murdock pulled was worth the effort, Jimin found himself smirking as he collapsed back, his beaten body weak.

But before he could try to move away the knight Murdock was falling from his horse. Soon after Ho-jin fell from his own horse, when Jimin opens one of his swollen eyes it is to the sight of an older knight, easily into his 50s mounted on horse back looking down upon the fallen knights.

"You ok kid?" the older knight asks, looking to Jimin for a moment.

Now this man was someone Jimin was willing to look up at, he nodded his head, fearing if he tried to talk blood would spill from his lips. 

Jimin watched in awe as the older knight lecturered the younger knights, Murdock and Ho-jin had their heads ducked in shame, the older knight may have been their superior officer, or someone who held a higher rank.

They were sent on their way, glaring daggers back at Jimin as they went. The older knight dismounted his horse, reaching out he helped Jimin to his feet.

"You sure you're alright kid, barely looks like you can stand" the older knight supported him as he wavered on the spot.

"I'm Cadel Nuemann, where do you live kid, I'll make sure you get home safe" the knight, Cadel vowed.

He gathered the reins of his horse, it was clearly well trained as it hadn't run off when he left its side to help Jimin up.


So that's how Jimin ended up with his arm slung around a knights shoulder, being supported as he hobbled home on his injured ankles.

"You're a brave kid, a little stupid but brave none the less" Cadel complimented, or at least Jimin thinks he did.

"Thanks" Jimin managed, thankful no blood was falling from his lips now. The cut having clotted on his bottom lip.

"So what's your name kid?" The man asked as they neared the butchers.

"Jimin Park" he admitted, he found he didn't mind this knight, the anger in his chest hadn't flared up, this man was a good one he could feel it.

"So how about it, want to get revenge on those two?" Cadel asked.

"What?" Jimin looked to him through his bust eye.

"Become my apprentice, I'll teach you all I know, you will eventually be able to wipe the floor with them. What do you say?" The man asked, mirth in his eyes.

Jimin's first instinct was to say 'no', but the word 'yes' had fallen from his lips before he could think.

Something called fate, as he had been pushed on the first step of his fated journey. The universes plan coming to life to begin the change of the world as everyone knew it.


Jimin has a heart of a dragon, that is why he feels the intense distrust for the knights.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.

Excited for the next one?




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