Shot 14: Architect meets CEO

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It was yet another exhausting day for twenty three year old Annika Bareja. She asked her driver to take a left instead of the usual right which reaches to her home.

The driver didn't question. He knew it very well where the girl was trying to go.

The porche black car arrived at the entrance of a place.

She asked the driver to wait until she returns back and headed inside.

The place was isolated, deserted but beautiful. It was a park, rich in vegetation, numerous flowers, trees, a sitting round bench in the centre, a pond towards the left and railed by steel. It was deep valley down from there.

It was her isolation, peace giving and soothing spot. She comes there whenever she gets tired from the regular chucks and boredom of the day.

That was the exact same reason why there that day. She walked about the roundabout in the garden and then took a left to sit under the tree. She avoids using benches and prefers the ground. She feels more connected to the surroundings when she feels the soil under her.

She reached the spot and before she could sit, she saw someone already sitting there. A man perhaps. It was weird. She had never see anyone except herself visiting this place especially at the odd hour of eleven in the night.

"Hey there!", she spoke.

The man turned his head in about ninety degree towards left, "Hey"

Now she could easily figure out the face of the person. He was a handsome man, probably few years older to her. He appeared innocent and not dangerous at all.

"I--I usually come to this place but never saw you. Actually, that's my place where you're sitting so that is why I came here", she explained.

"Even I come to this place usually and this is the same exact spot where I prefer to sit. We may share it if you're okay with it", he told simply.

She didn't had mind to think about pros and cons of sitting with a stranger, especially a man and that too at so late at night. Without saying anything, she sit beside him, maintaing a safe distance between them. She didn't say anything, just simply stared the twinkling stars on the full moon night.

He was doing the same as her. Both of them were in keen need of silence and peace. Sometimes staying silent for a while help you to analyse your life and plan everythinh further.

The moment for so subtle. Two stranger sitting together at their isolation points, analysing themselves and their perspective and motive of the life they are living with. 

She finally thought to ask something as it was getting awkward, "So, what are you doing here at this hour of day?"

He turned towards her, "Basically, this place is my comfort spot. I come here when I get frustrated and lethargic"

She was surprised at first. These years , ever since she had started visiting this place, this thought that it was just her who thought that a place could provide peace. Today, she found tagt she is not the only one perhaps, "That's great cause this is my comfort spot too after a bad day"

He chuckled, "So what was wrong with your day?"

She thought if she could share her day with a stranger. But it isn't a bad idea. When you don't have friends, strangers play a great role, "My dad, he wants me to be in his shoes and run his company. So I have been struggling with it since days"

He wondered what is possibly wrong with it, "What is wrong with it then? Every parents have certain expectations from their children. Or is it you wished to do something else?"

"No no, I want to be the CEO of his company but the thing is managing such a big, established and popular company so early is scaring me", she told him.

"A big company's owner who happens to be your Dad wants you to become it's CEO. Which company?", he asked.

"Bareja Heights", she told as she turned to look at the stars and then back at him.

He couldn't believe the fact that he was sitting beside a billionaire's daughter or say, a billionaire herself, "Lucky you. You don't have to search for jobs"

"Yeah I agree but being a CEO and too to this early is too tough. I could assist my Dad but he wanta me take take over completely. Even Mom agress with him", she feels agitated as peope always think that she is a baby fed with silver spoon so she had no struggle of herself, "What's up with your day?"

He sighed, "I lost my job"

"Oh, I am sorry about that. What is your profession?", she felt bad.

"I am an architect. I lost the job cause my project manager thinks that I work better that him. Perhaps, I try to overrule him", he told.

"That's ridiculous of your boss", she cursed.

"Yeah, so I need to hunt for a new one", he told.

"Do you have any designs of your own, like right now?", she asked.

He was confused, "For?"

"Do you?", she asked again.

"Yeah," he took out his ohone from the back of his pant's pockets. He opened the picture gallery and showed her some of his own designs, "Here they are"

She was awed. The designed were too perfect and too good, "Bareja Heights is planning to establish a new SkyScraper for it's Dubai project. Many architects are coming with there designs. I suggest you should also participate"

He laughed, "Like seriously, I don't even have a job. How could I apply for it?"

"Maybe we could hire you as a permanent architect for this department in our firm. The date is after a week in Thursday. Work on your design and show it. I'll be there ans so will be Mom and Dad", she encouraged him.


"You should try. It's upto you", she hot up from her space, "Next week, Bareja Heights, Thursday", she walked towards the entrace.

He didn't said anything and followed her. He saw her getting inside her black porche. He rushed to her window, "I'll think about it"

She smiled, "Good"

He backed off and took a seat on his bike. He looked at her porche leaving and then looked at his bike. Miles to go.

..................TO BE CONTINUED...............

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