Shot 9(ii) : Savage

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"So where was I...ya, so I was saying that I can't deny for this marriage thing. You can only do that", Annika spoke as she took out a mint gum from the bottle.

I was taking a sip from my espresso when she spoke that. I was about to spit it out when I heard her. What the hell would I deny to marry her? Its my choice, "Why would I deny?"

Annika looked at him amusingly, as if not expecting that reply. Her eyes opened widely, "You want this?"

If that even a question to ask? Obviously I wanted her and this marriage!, "I mean...ya!"

Annika remained silent for a while. She wanted to speak but lacked words. She tried to speak a couple of times but her voice was not allowing her to do it.

She looked so cute! Just like a baby! My baby! "Hey! Breath!"

She followed his words and took a deep breath, "We are so different Shivaay. I mean....I drink, you don't, I am doctor, you're a..ummm, what?"

I chuckled. Seriously? She didn't knew my profession. What can I expect more? She didn't even knew my name so the profession seemed wide far, "Industrialist, CEO of Oberoi Empire"

"Ya, So I am a doctor and you are a CEO... there are hell lot of differences in between us!", she told in an urging way to stop him and make him say a no to the marriage.

As far as I have her beside me, I don't care whether she is a doctor or a person who drink, cause I love her! "I don't care Annika. I am good with everything of yours!"

Annika was perplexed. Shivaay seemed quite adamant to her, "But why you wanna marry me?"

The same reason, cause I love you dammit! I wanted to scream and tell her the same, but no, not right now, "Why? What's wrong with you?", I told jollingly.

Her eyes opened widely and her mouth gaped, "What do you mean Mister! There is nothing wrong with me!", she made a cute pout.

Ahh! How madly I wish to kiss that pout. Argghh, Shivaay control! "Then is there anything with you find wrong about me?"

Again, she lacked words. She wanted to say but couldn't, "Ummmm"

Oh my goodness! Okay let me help her, "Okay just listen, Are you feeling uncomfortable around me?"

"No", came her instant reply, like suddenly, she got her voice back.

I smiled, first stage cleared! Bingo!, "Aren't you enjoying talking to me?"

"No, nothing like that!", she told meekly.

Second stage cleared. The next question was something whose I answer I clearly knew,  "Do you have  someone else in your life?"

She nodded in negative.

I felt like dancing all around! Third stage cleared, "Am I not handsome?"

"No, you are, Infact more than handsome I would preferably say!", she told quickly.

Yehhh!!! I likes me! She finds me handsome. Thank you god for making me that handsome! I will surely donate a couple or more crores in your temple for this! "Then what is wrong?"

"Shivaay, it isn't like that. You don't know me properly so how can you agree to get hitched with me?", she grew panicky for the first time in her life. She had full confidence that he will say a big no. But unexpectedly, he is saying yes!

Shivaay, you shouldn't get her get panicked! I went near her and bowed down to match her knee level. I slowly took her hands mine and looked deeply into her eyes.

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