PART 33: Assuredness

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I'm in the library right now, doing some revision before my class started and this man, Bonz kept staring at me and giving me a detective look like he always did.

"Just ask whatever you want to ask," I said while my eyes focused on my book.

He cleared his throat and corrected his body posture. "So it means you and Yin are really—"

"Yes." Without waiting for him to continue, I answered since I knew he was going to inquire about Yin and I because he had previously replied to my Instagram Story from the previous night, which everyone on my close friend who saw that story already could guess my relationship with Yin.

"Congrats dude. So, it's real! You're not single anymore!" He said excitedly while shaking my hand but there was a glance like he was thinking of something.

" about Pack?"

"I didn't expect you and Yin...I mean you know, you guys never showed any affection in front of us...and suddenly you became lovers."

Yeah, everything Bonz said I couldn't dispute as it was true. Yin and I always kept our issue between us, especially when we were at conflict. Yin may have told a little bit about us to Off but I never told anyone what happened between me and him because before this I was still uncertain and tried to deny my feelings towards him but now not anymore.

I love him.

And I want to do my best to take care of our relationship.

"I never say I like Pack. He's just my close friend, not more than that," I replied.

He became silent after hearing my answer and brushed his chin like thinking of something. "Damn, I just realized you never told me you like Pack," he said.

"But he's obviously like you."

I shrugged as I was too lazy to talk about him. I already spoke with him yesterday but nothing has changed and what concerns me most is that I don't know what he told James, who seems to have a deep hatred for Yin.

When I said I was disappointed with him, I really meant it because I consider him as someone that I'm close and comfortable with but he kept throwing hate on Yin and acted like he was the one who knew everything that happened between me and Yin.

It's just between me and Yin. No one else. So, why do they need to interfere and blame everything on Yin? If he really worried about me, I didn't think he should act this way because it just made things worse.

"I love Yin. That's the only matter."

"Shiaaa. War Wanarat deeply fell in love!" He said while ruffling my hair and I pushed his hand.

"You're just coming out from the toilet, asshole," I said and he smelled his hand. "It smells like poop, I'm sorry," he grinned.


After class was over, I returned to my room and was about to take a little nap when my phone rang. I looked at my phone screen and James was the one who called me. I swiped up to answer the call.

"Hello," I greeted him.

"You're so busy right now, huh? You didn't even reply to my chat," he said.

I simply hummed. Not that I didn't want to respond but every time my friends disparaged Yin, it upset me, so I tried to avoid getting into a debate with him. Did they truly believe I was faultless? I couldn't understand why they believed it was okay to bash someone and spread hate even though they didn't even know the real story of what was happening between us.

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