PART 10: Denegation

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I've never been so comfortable or warm in my life and as I snuggled deeper into the heated firmness beneath me, I wondered when my bed had gotten so comfortable when my pillow abruptly rose and fell, moving my head to follow along with the movement, which sounded suspiciously like a deeply inhaled breath.

My eyes popped open and I quickly assessed my position. I carefully lifted my head and studied the stunning face inches from my own while the large chest under my cheek continued to rise and fall at a steady rate. I'd be humiliated if he woke up right now and saw me staring at him like some creeper but I couldn't stop myself as I studied his perfection.

His sculpted lips were slightly parted as he breathed through his mouth. His black hair was messy and some of it had fallen across his forehead. My fingers were inches away from brushing it back but I was afraid of waking him up.

'You are getting more handsome, Yin.'

My skin began to flush to the roots of my hair as I became acutely aware of every inch of my body that came into contact with his firm muscular one and a shiver of curiosity ran through my hands, which were itching to touch his face, to run my fingers through his look and over the stubble on his cheeks.

My gaze fell to his lips as I continued to memorise his features. Were they going to be firm or soft? I found myself blushing once more as I tried to figure out where my thoughts were driving my body's reactions to this man and our proximity.

My lust for knowledge got the better of me and before I realised it, my hand was reaching up and forward towards his attractive face. I traced the plumpness of his lower lip with my pointer finger as softly as I could.

Oh my gosh, his lip was so soft and so smooth.

"Hmmm," Yin made a sound and I quickly pretended I was sleeping without realizing I lay on his chest again. I wanted to move but suddenly he hugged me tightly until I could feel my heart make a crazy sound again.

'Shittt Warrr! What are you trying to do earlier?!' I cursed in my mind and feel embarrassed with my own fucking action.

I tried to move again but I couldn't as he hugged me more tightly when he realized I made a movement. Only then I made an extreme movement and kicked him until he fell on the bed because I couldn't control my heat up face right now.

"Awww," he caressed his ass and made a pained face.

I pretended like I just woke up from sleep and yawned at him.

"What are you doing below, Yin?" I gave him an innocent face. Good War, continue your acting.

"I don't know, maybe I fell," he answered while looking at me with his half open eyes and I immediately changed my gaze to everywhere other than him.

Ring Ring Ring

Yin's phone rang and I wanted to thank whoever called him because it saved me from getting caught because my cheeks were extremely blush right now.

"Hello, Off."

Off? Why did he call Yin earlier in the morning? We have no class for today. I mean I know they are close but errr whatever.

"Oh okay. I will pick you up in an hour," Yin ended the call after a while and I got so curious to ask him but I didn't want to look like I care.

Yin stood up and picked up his stuff, then came to me and put his palm on my forehead.

"Are you feeling better today?" He asked and I swallowed my rough saliva as he approached his face closer to mine.

"Yeah," I answered briefly and pushed his hand.

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