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I wake up to see Michael looming over me. I was about to scream, but he clamped his hand over my mouth and silently shushed me. Grabbing my arm and pulling me up, he turned me in the direction of the door. I gasped. All the wood was torn down from the inside, with some sort of a sound being made outside.

Ripping his hand off my face, I spoke.

"Who did that?" I said in my harshest whisper.

"Some people had left last night. I woke up to the tearing sounds and thought the Gorgains had gotten in. I also thought you were awake, but either you're a deep sleeper, or you're just plain deaf. Everyone else had woken up as well, but I shushed them and told them not to interfere. It would be stupid to run out blindly and just end up getting tackled by Gorgains. And some people are missing. We're waiting for your orders." His whispering stopped.

"Okay," I said. I wasn't a deep sleeper. My only dream I ever have is the one where I got taken away at the gas station. And if I didn't dream that, I didn't dream at all. "How many people are left?"

"Only about fourteen," he replied.

"Alright. We need to get ourselves situated. Round up everyone at the tables while I get ready."

After I had put on my armor and put a sword in my belt with an advanced version of a rifle on my back, I headed over to the table and stood on it.

"So here's the plan," I said as loudly as I dared. "We already lost some people to either a bad decision or death. But, if you look at it in a more positive way, we can move more stealthily. I'm gonna position two people at the edge of the group behind me in the front, and two people in the back. You guys are our eyes, our ears, and our warning. Of course, everyone else will help as well, but better safe than sorry. Then, I want people with the most powerful guns to be towards the back, in case some Gorgains start chasing us. And if I'm too slow when running, then leave me behind and I will hold them off."

People started protesting, saying that I shouldn't do that and that they will carry me if that happens.

"No," I interrupted, raising my voice. "Don't you see? This is a life or death situation. The only thing we can do is fight. Hiding will do no good. And I'm not important. I don't care about me. I'm sure that there are a lot of people here that are younger than me, and I don't want their lives to be ruined. So please, don't let me be the cause of your death."

I could see everyone's eyes in the darkness, noticing that the lights were off. Either someone turned them off, or the Gorgains were around.

"So instead of crying over me, keep moving and remember that the more lives surviving, the better. So we are going to keep moving! We will make it out of here alive! WE WILL WIN!" I shouted and raised a gun to the air, not caring that the Gorgains might hear. They're in trouble, and we're gonna get them. "LETS GO!"

Cheering erupted and everyone got in a line with four people on the outside and Michael waiting for me.

"Nice speech," he said. Everyone had forgotten about what I said before.

Quickly we moved at a quiet jog, me already breathing heavily.

"Take the lead," I whispered to Michael, and followed behind him, keeping up as best I could while limping.

My limbs always felt as if they were on fire. It was excruciating, but I had never really practiced running because I never cared up until I became a security guard. I regretted my choice of not running but my slowness always had an excuse to get me out of unenjoyable things.

After a while Michael told everyone to slow down a bit and jogged next to me.

"You need to lead," he whispered to me. "Show us where to go."

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