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I got more sleep that day, and once it was nightfall, I busted out a gun and a flashlight and got Jake and Will out.

"Did you talk to your General?" Will asked, pulling out a flashlight for Jake and himself.

"Yeah," I said. "He's going to start a search party tonight, on the other floors. He told me to search the top floor. We have to find the other Gorgains so no one else dies or goes missing." And find James, I thought. "And, um, I gave him...the idea."

"Hm," Jake said. "I say we search where they're searching. Then, if the Gorgains come out and attack, we can dive in and save them."

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

We walked floor after floor, finding nothing, until the power went out.

"Must be getting close," Will said, unphased.

After about 15 minutes, we heard screams.

"Come on!" I headed in the direction of the screams, stopping at the corner and peeking over to try and see what was going on. With an all clear, I kept moving until I found them.

It was a small group of people, so the search party must've split up, and they were surrounded by Gorgains. Five of them. And they were all in a certain position facing the humans, with grey wisps coming from the people into the mouths of the Gorgains. Their energy is being taken or something, I thought.

We pulled out our guns, stepping to the middle of the corridor.

"Hey!" I shouted. All heads turned.

"If you're gonna take any energy, take this!" I pulled the trigger on one of the Gorgains and it thumped to the ground with an unnatural scream.

The Gorgains stopped taking the energy from the people and charged forward, and I let out another shot before dipping to the side.

As they skidded across the floor, Will started running to the other crowd.

"Keep fighting them!" He shouted over his shoulder. "I'm gonna help these guys!"

He reached them and felt all their pulses, helping them up and getting them to hurry. "Come on!" I heard him say. "There's no time to lose!"

I turned my attention back to the Gorgains in time to see one jump in the air after me, landing on top. I shot it mid-air, but it still landed on top of me, crushing me with the weight, barely allowing me to breath. Grunting, I tried to shove the Gorgain off me, but it moved a bit, still alive, and shoved my shoulders to the ground, pinning my arms and legs.

"You-dumb-thing-" I said between each breath while struggling. "Get the-"

I was cut off by more shots going off. I tried to look, but to no avail. The Gorgain also looked, getting distracted and gave me enough time to get a hand free and punch it in the face. Stunned, it fell off, and I jumped up and finished it off. A weird black liquid was on my clothes, probably the Gorgain's blood.

"Come on!" Jake shouted to me. He was running to Will, who was laying on the floor with a Gorgain advancing quickly, the other people shouting for weapons and some were on the floor, unmoving.

"Go help the search party!" I shouted to Jake, hoping he would listen.

Nodding, he turned to the small crowd and shouted orders at them, some of them disagreeing or shaking their heads. Obviously they didn't trust Jake.

"Just listen to him!" I screamed as the Gorgain changed directions and went after me.

To bring it away from Will I started running, then, at the last second I dipped to another corridor and ended in a roll. Crashing sounds rang out behind me, meaning my plan worked. Getting up, I ran some more before I turned around and shot it, getting my target. Apon running back, I found Will finally awake and Jake getting the search party to get out. They walked strangely and looked drained.

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