Chapter 1

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The air was dusty and the sun was beaming through the window. Old paintings covered the wall and the dark brown furniture really added to the expensive French interior.

The beautiful man sat focused scribbling on a textured clothing print. He was so focused that the vibrant noise of the city was totally shut out. For someone else, the heavy smell of the ruby red roses on the desk would have been overwhelming, but for Taehyung it made him feel safe.

His moon shadow black hair perfectly framed his golden God like sculptured head. The contrast of his voughish style and glossy skin made him look absolutely ethereal.

A high pitched noise made him lift his head

Knock knock
"Mr. Kim?"

"Yes, come in."

In came his secretary Céline. Her joyous personality always brightened up his days.

:Mr, Kim, your new bodyguard is here" She said with a kind smile

"Oh, send him in."
Taehyung readjusted his brown leather jacket and the fabric made a screeching noise against his wide chair.

Loud steps could be heard and the bright light from the big window made it very majestic when Jungkook walked in.

"Hello sir, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm your new bodyguard."

Taehyung felt his throat dry up and had a hard time taking his eyes off the man in front of him. He was clad in skinny black jeans and a tight black t-shirt. His big boots only added to his impressive height. Taehyung couldn't help his eyes wandering over his strong tattoo coverd arm. The tattoos were indicrate and the colors were vivid.

*Cough cough, the secretary added a fake cough, noticing the atmosphere getting awkward.

"Yes sorry, nice to meet you Mr. Jeon."

With elegant strides, Taehyung approached the man standing in his office. Taehyung's elegant walk made his flared auburn pants sway beautifully. Taehyung confidently stretched out his arm and offered Jungkook him his slender hand. Jungkook shyly grabbed the man's hand noticing the sparkly emerald ring.

"Jungkook will be following you for tonight's fashion show" the secretary added.

"Perfect, thank you Céline. I actually have to go to the gallery to fix some work stuff."

"Mr. Jeon will be accompanying you."

The shy bodyguard locked eyes with the beautiful designer quickly lowering his gaze.

"Okay, I will meet you outside in a couple of minutes." Taehyung spoke.

"As you wish" Jungkook politely answered lightly bowing his head.

The door closed shut and the click clack and heavy thumping could be heard from the secretary and bodyguard walking away.

Taehyung strode over to his desk and plopped down in the big chair.

"Well that was…. Interesting…." Taehyung muttered to himself shaking his head in almost disbelief of how handsome his new bodyguard was.

Taehyung is used to being surrounded by beautiful people but this Mr. Jeon was something out of the ordinary.

He poured some water into his crystal glass and then brought it to his cherry lips, it felt silky smooth sliding down his throat. He gathered his things in his brown green boston bag and headed out to the building's entrance.

Jungkook was standing right at the entrance and Taehyung couldn't help but smirk noticing how beautiful the man looked in the 2pm Paris sun.

As footsteps were approaching, Jungkook turned and saw Taehyung.

"The car is ready sir."


They both went down the stairs and stood in front of the jet black car with the tinted windows.

"You first sir" Jungkook said while holding open the door for him.

"Thank you, what a gentleman" Taehyung answered with a wink.

Jungkook got closer to the car about to be seated but he found his big round eyes looking at the man's perfectly bubbly butt while he was climbing into the car.

Jungkook quickly shook his head and returned to reality and got seated next to his boss.

By: Norea @thebtsbubble7

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