Chapter 44 Fox

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Over the last two weeks, I barely saw my mate. My mother had stolen her away to plan the Luna ceremony of the decade. I was cranky about my lack of time with Marigold, but over the moon with the idea of her officially becoming my Luna and getting along so well with my parents. I used our time apart to get caught up on work. I wanted to get ahead on work and prepare my board for my extended absence. Once the Luna ceremony was complete, I had a sort of honeymoon prepared for Marigold and I.

I was assured the Luna ceremony was going to be lavish but also casual, at my mate's request. We invited all the neighboring packs to come and partake in the festivities. Marigold requested to keep the ceremony itself short; she didn't like the spotlight.

Yesterday I was sent into town for a suit fitting and discovered the colors were being kept traditional. My suit was a deep maroon with navy and gold detailing. I was eager to see Marigold's dress, assuming that it would match and be absolutely stunning on her.

The Luna ceremony was a day away and the entire pack was buzzing with excitement. Marigold and I were finally enjoying lunch together when I felt a sudden bolt of energy rise in my mate.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She jumped up from the table,

"Someone's using the portal in our room." She said, taking off for the elevator.

"Wait? There's a portal in our room?" I called after her.

She was already inside the bedroom by the time I made it down the hall. She had beaten me to the elevator, forcing me to take the stairs. I burst through the door and found her standing in the closet with her brothers.

"What's going on?" I asked, standing protectively next to my mate.

"We were invited." Solaris said, eyeing me.

"What?" I was at a loss.

"I invited them to the Luna ceremony." Marigold explained, looking sideways at me,

"I wasn't sure if they would be able to come."

"We weren't able to send word, we weren't sure if we would be able to get away without being noticed." Bayu said.

"But, father decided to go away with his mistress so we were able to sneak away." Solaris added.

"The ceremony is tomorrow." I said.

"We're aware." Solaris glared at me.

"Do we have a problem?" I snapped. Marigold placed her hand in mine, immediately calming me.

"Do we?" Solaris' tone was challenging.

"Sol." Marigold rolled her eyes at her eldest brother,

"Play nice." She instructed. Bayu snickered. He was quickly becoming my favorite.

"We can prepare guest rooms for you on the second floor." I said, extending a gesture of peace. Solaris and Bayu nodded,

"Thank you." Bayu said. Marigold smiled at me warmly and I squeezed her hand.

I had the housemaids prepare two rooms for the fae princes and informed the pack of their arrival. I had guards placed on the second floor for their protection, to ensure that no members of my pack or the visiting packs decided to get curious.

Marigold and my mother made their final preparations for the ceremony. Changing their plans so that Solaris and Bayu would walk Marigold to the ceremony stage. They also moved up the time of the event so her brothers could return home in less than 24 hours. My mother insisted that we not sleep together the night of the ceremony. A stupid human tradition that werewolves decided to pick up decades ago. I complained loudly, but no one cared.

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