Chapter 30 Marigold

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It's been two months since I moved into the Silver Moon packhouse. Finn kept all of his promises. He kept me in the loop with everything that was going on and introduced me to any visiting pack members. He also let me train the werewolves using magic.

He was true to his word about my veto power. When I didn't like the idea of him traveling for business for weeks at a time without me, he hired a representative to do it for him. And when I didn't appreciate his sexy, overly flirtatious, secretary at the office, he replaced her.

I was over the moon in love with Finn Oxford and the little life we had built for ourselves already. I moved into Finn's room a few days after he spent the night in my bed for the first time. He always made sure we went to bed together, but I never woke up with him there. He got up hours before me to train and get work done so he could be finished in time for dinner. But, I had a feeling there was more to it than that.

I've been unable to give Finn the one thing I know he's dying for. I haven't been able to complete the mating process and allow him to mark me. I had so many reasons to give myself to him completely, and yet the one reason I have not to, is what's been winning. Goddess bless him because he had been so patient over these last eight weeks.

"Marigold, I have to ask you a favor." Finn sighed as we were eating breakfast in his room.

"Okay?" I asked hesitantly, setting down the piece of toast I was previously gnawing on.

"I've held her off as long as I could, but I don't think I can keep her waiting any longer." Finn had his puppy dog eyes on so I knew this was serious.


"My mother." Finn said the word like he was defusing the atomic bomb. I laughed at him,

"That's it?"

"It's no small feat, I assure you." Finn looked offended at my lack of response.

"Finn, I would love to meet your mother! I had no idea you were putting her off. I just thought that your parents weren't around or that they didn't like me." I shrugged.

"What? No! My parents have been dying to meet you. They love you already." Finn quickly shook his head.

"Why have you been avoiding it?" I asked. Finn looked defeated,

"Because I thought it would be too much for you." I sighed. I couldn't blame him for thinking that. I was on edge, even still, after two months, I was on edge. I didn't like to be around large crowds, I wasn't ready for anyone to call me Luna, and I still wouldn't let him make an official announcement or hold the Luna ceremony.

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Finn. I wish, more than anything else, that you could meet my mother so, of course, I want to meet yours." I smiled lovingly at him, reaching out my hand for his.

"I wish I could meet her, too, baby." Finn's eyes were sad,

"But, I know you're going to love my mom!"

"When can I meet her?" I asked, excited.

"Believe me, I say the word and my mother will be here in ten minutes." Finn chuckled lightly.

"How about for lunch?" I offered with a lazy shrug.

"She would love that. Are you sure?"

"Absolutely!" And with that, it was settled. After breakfast, Finn went to his office to call his parents and get started on his work. I went down to the training grounds to meet Stone for the morning session.

"I heard you're meeting the in-laws today." Stone grinned stupidly from the training ring.

"Seriously, are there no secrets around here?" I groaned.

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