Chapter 1

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        Pain. This is the only feeling I could ever rely on. It was the only thing I could ever rely on. I was used to the feeling, we had become well acquainted. Ever since my mother left, my no-good father decided to take it out on us. He wanted us to feel the agony he was in, but little did he know that we felt it even without the constant abuse. Her leaving was one of the hardest things I have ever had to endure. I felt ashamed, like it was my fault she was leaving. Maybe I was too much for her to handle, maybe she was ashamed to call me her daughter. I knew it wasn't Paul's fault, he was too young to make her leave. He couldn't talk back or make her upset, he was just an innocent baby. When she left us, I had just turned three. That's right, she left on my birthday, marking the day as a gruesome holiday. My father constantly reminds me that she left because of me, because I was "such a brat". He reminds me that she left when she did because she couldn't take my behavior any longer. I hated myself for it. I knew that she would never come back as long as I was around. However, I couldn't leave, not while Paul was in the midst of growing up. I practically raised him from infancy, he was only a year old when she walked out on us. I wish she would have taken Paul. He never deserved dad's wrath, he was only a baby, he was still a pure being.
       Due to the constant verbal and physical abuse, Paul and I had become close. We could confide in each other and trust in each other. We both struggled to let people into our life's, let alone tear our walls down. They kept us safe from the cruelties of the world and left people wondering what our family was like. No one knew. No one was allowed to know our dark secrets we kept locked away behind closed doors.

       It was almost fifteen years later, meaning my dreadful birthday was approaching. Luckily, I had few friends and the friends I had knew better than to celebrate my birthday. Usually, the only thing on my mind was getting that awful day over with, but lately my mind was preoccupied by Paul's recent developments. Paul had just turned sixteen around two months ago, but this birthday was like no other. After the common beating we received, he started to shake and had an extremely high fever. Panic ran through me as I tried to help, but I couldn't move because of the bruising forming on my ribs. He definitely broke one that time. I was in excruciating pain that spread like wildfire. I reached out my hand to help, but the next thing I remembered was him being pushed out the door by a sobered up dad. Since that day, Paul was rarely home and when he was, he treated me differently. He was cold towards me and kept his distance. My heart started to break as I watched the one person I have trusted and loved, start to slip past my fingertips. I felt alone, more alone than I have ever felt. As time went on, I learned that he was taking his pain and using it to rebel. He was a part of Sam Uley' gang, which further infuriated me. How could he change? Where was the sweet boy I raised? He may be known as a hothead, but past that he is a sweet and loving puppy that has been beaten one too many times.

       I missed him more and more each day, hoping and praying he would come back to me. All my thoughts seemed to disappear, when a sudden bang was heard in the front of the classroom. "Miss. Lahote, now is not the time to be day dreaming. Do you know what I just said to the class?" This teacher gave me such a headache. "I'm sorry ma'am, I will try to focus this time." She gave me a disapproving look, but reluctantly went back to teaching. I often was lost in my head, I just couldn't help it, I had a lot to think about. With Paul's sudden behavioral change, I was too busy to pay attention to silly lectures.
      The class bell finally rang, marking the end of the school day. Senior year was going to be a breeze, I just needed to finish strong. At my locker, I noticed two buff, Quilette boys exiting the school. From the corner of my eye, I recognized both as my brother and his best friend, Jared. Jared and Paul had always been super close, they were practically inseparable since birth. I wasn't surprised that both joined Sam's gang within a month of each other. They did literally everything together!

      My brain had the most brilliant idea ever. What if I follow them to see what they are up to? While I am at it, maybe I will grow a pair and give this Sam Uley guy a piece of my mind! I exited the school as swiftly and subtly as possible, hoping they wouldn't notice. They looked around, seeing if anyone noticed, and entered the woods. What the heck were they doing in the woods. As I got closer I noticed that their clothes were in a pile and they were nowhere in sight. Weird. I wasn't about to give up though. I observed the area and noticed large footprints incased in the muddy ground. For some odd reason, I felt the need to follow it, knowing somehow it would lead me to the boys. After about thirty minutes in the woods, I noticed a small house come into view. It was beautiful, not what I was expecting at all. 

      Before I exited the woods, I did a perimeter check. I was not about to die or get involved in some crime, like the ones you see on television. I was terrified of jail. I took a deep breath and made my way up the small staircase to the large wooden door that awaited me. With all the courage I could muster, I knocked on the door. It wasn't loud, but loud enough to get their attention from what sounded like video games. Within a second, the door was swung open, presenting a man in his twenties with dark, black hair and gorgeous, chocolaty brown eyes. His skin was tan, showing his Quilette heritage and he had the same tattoo on his very toned arm that Paul did. As I stared in awe, he seemed to be checking me out as well. Who is this man? He cleared his throat, and in a deep voice said, "How may I help you?" I processed his words, his voice was so handsome, I couldn't quite remember why I was here, his voice was intoxicating. Then, I saw Paul approach us and all my memory came flooding back. The smile on my face drained, now all I could muster was a grimace. "I'm looking for Sam Uley." "This is he. May I ask what your name is beautiful?" Of course it was, of course this breathtaking specimen had to be the man I despised so much. "I am Piper Lahote, Paul's older sister and let me tell you, y-you evil man, that Paul is n-not your puppet. I want him back and out of your f-filthy gang. He is too young for such mayhem," I stuttered out. My confidence was starting to wear thin, which was blatantly obvious. Even through my anger, he remained composed. He smiled at me, with a warmth I had never seen before, "I can assure you that this is not a gang and I am not corrupting your little brother. I am sad to hear this is how people perceive us." My face softened, "If your not a gang what are you guys? What in the world are you doing to keep my little brother out all night? He is missing far too much school, he is young and needs an education!" He looked at Paul with slight annoyance, "We are protectors, we work to better the tribe and make life for the Quilette people easier. Your brother is always helping, but I can assure you it is nothing bad. I agree that he needs an education, so I'll make a deal with you. We are very hungry boys and well none of us can cook." He stepped aside to show me an abundance of takeout and failed cooking attempts. "It is hard to withhold our duties when we are constantly hungry. So you make us meals, and I will lighten his load and ensure he gets a proper education. Deal?"

     My mind was contemplating this offer. Sure he is sexy and sure it would give me a reason to see him more often. However, I have school and my own responsibilities at home, although staying out of the house as long as possible would be nice. Plus, I feel as though I can trust him to withhold his end of the bargain. I mean this is solely for Paul, not because of my own selfish desires, right? I grabbed his warm, extended hand and firmly shook it. "Deal."

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