Ch 29 : Music Class

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"Where do you think you're going?" Isabelle's voice echoed through the room as her heels cracked against the marble floor.

The remaining students in the class all began murmuring and giving the group of friends a pitiful stare.

"To the music class. . ." Rosalia spoke in a lower tone, but one laced with sarcasm.

"You. What's your name?" She pointed towards Cabel.

"I don't believe I'm obligated to answer that." Cabel spoke as he gave the rest of his friends a signal saying 'let's just go.'

The group of friends began moving towards the door to the corridor, when the lackeys of Isabelle suddenly grabbed Athelinda's wrist.

"We need to borrow her for a while!" One of the lackeys said.

"Why don't you head over to your Music Class?" The other lackey said with sarcasm.

Rosalia glared at her.

The lackeys wrapped their arms around Athelinda's arms, stopping her from walking.

The two looked up towards Athelinda with a proud smirk, but-

Athelinda was giving them one intimidating glare. Her jeweled eyes glowed brighter. Using magic to harm students was against Academy rules, but she wasn't going to harm them.

Just show them which line they shouldn't cross.

Her icy jeweled eyes radiating an intimidating aura. The girls let go of their grip on her arms and fell back to Isabelle.

"Wh-Whats up with her eyes?" One of them asked, stuttering from fear.

"Oh, now that I look closely, you're from Obelia aren't you?" Isabelle spoke, still firm with her attitude.

"Jeweled eyes, a symbol of royalty. So you must be a princess from there. Though I never bothered remembering their family tree. So then, who are you?"

Control. Athelinda, control yourself. Control yourself.

"Oh don't worry, from seeing how light you take your classes, I could tell you're not very bright. So I'm sure remembering just three names was a big task." Athelinda spoke in the most polite way she could with a smile etched on her face.

Isabelle turned red and was about to retaliate, but Athelinda spoke first, "Now if you'll excuse me. I have class, unlike a certain someone." Athelinda gave her a polite smile, before walking towards the door.

As the group of friends made their way out, Isabelle exploded. "How dare you speak to me in that tone?!"

"You ignorant foreigner! Do you know who my dad is!?"

"What about you. Do you know who my father is?" Athelinda asked as she turned around for a second with a cold stare.

Leaving Isabelle speechless in the classroom, the group finally left.


"Remind me to never make you mad!" Gabe spoke as he placed his arms behind his head.

"Ahh, that was so satisfying. The look on her face!" Rosalia squealed.

Gabe and Rosalia began laughing at how uncomposed Isabelle became.

Meanwhile, Jane came up to Athelinda, "Um, are you sure that's all right?"

Well, uh, no actually. She intended to stay as far from her as possible but oh well. What's done is done.

Not to mention, she didn't insult Athelinda. She insulted the Alger Obelia's. What was that line she said again, "I never bothered remembering their family tree."

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