Ch 5 : Tea Time

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"What are these filthy bugs doing in my Palace?"

Athanasia turned around in panic and froze completely upon seeing the male's cold jeweled eyes.

Athelinda also flinched upon hearing that voice. The voice which she knows oh so very well . The voice that challenged her. The voice that was filled with amusement. And the voice that was willing to kill her without regret.

Aqua jewels greeted turquoise ones and Claude soon recognized the two 'bugs' to be royals.



Suddenly, a pouch filled with jewels and gold fell on the ground beneath Athanasia.  Both Felix and Athelinda had an expression of ' Uh what. ' on their faces but Claude maintained a blank one.

Claude looked at Athanasia and stated in a monotone voice, "That face. I've seen it before."

He seemed to be thinking deeply about who Athanasia resembled before continuing, "Yes. Was it that dancer from Siodonna?"

Claude then looked over to Athelinda. "As for you. You don't seem familiar at all. " He stated as he observed Athelinda's straight blonde hair that fell down her shoulder and back. Her aqua eyes which looked like his own- and on second thought had a resemblance to the previous emperor as well.

"Who are you?" Claude asked Athelinda. It was more like a rhetorical question, and Athelinda decided not to answer but just stare at Claude.



Another pouch fell beneath Athanasia and now her complexion looked as white as a sheet.

Claude's attention was diverted back to Athanasia. Claude began to stretch out his hand towards Athanasia and Athelinda could see Athanasia's leg tremble as the hand came forward to her chin.

Athelinda suddenly grabbed Athanasia's hand and pulled her back, causing Claude's hand to float in thin air.

This only made the situation worse and made Athanasia's trembling even worse, but Athelinda gripped her hand tightly and whispered, "Don't worry, he can't hurt you."

Athelinda stood in front of Athanasia, both of them holding hands. Claude had an expression of  ' What do you think you're doing' but before he could voice his expression, he saw it.

The same fearless gaze Athelinda had during the audience. Her eyes were calm and cold. Arrogant yet wise. Her eyes showed a mix of several traits. They resembled Claude's in a glance but looked totally different in another glance.

Claude couldn't help but smirk at the girl who was firmly standing in front of him. With her eyes looking intimidating and at the same time innocent.

He stretched his arms towards her and she simply watched in confusion as Claude picked her up. "Felix, carry the other one. We should serve tea to our guests."

The royals sat in front of a table filled with sweets and all kinds of desserts. All the sweets remained untouched though, because Athanasia was too scared to eat and anything and Athelinda was just shocked by the numbers of delicacies on the table.

Athelinda did live the life of a commoner and although she was now at the Palace and was given luxury food, this was still quite a surprise to her.

"I didn't know you couldn't talk." Claude spoke as he looked at the two.

"Athy can talk." Athanasia said as she faked a smile.

Claude glanced over at Athelinda who was eyeing all the sweets, but soon realized she was being watched.

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