Ch 10 : Fool

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The two sat in the receiving room of Jade Palace, which was better in contrast to the rest of the building.

Cassandra entered to serve the Duke tea whereas the princess apple juice. She exchanged glares with the Duke as she did.

"Jennette Margarita." Athelinda spoke before taking a sip of her juice. The Dukes glare found it's way to Cassandra.

Roger thought that even though Cassandra was no longer on his side, she would still know better than to leak the information to a child.

'The princess is still young, so even if Cassandra had told her about Jennette she would find it hard to believe. Nonetheless, children can easily be swayed by words. ' or so the Duke must be thinking, observed Athelinda as she placed her glass down.

Instead of telling the fool his place, she decided to show him.

Her mana spread through the room. Her eyes began to glow a dangerous blue. Her presence became intimidating. 

She was just a child. And yet Duke Alpheus felt as if he was having an audience with the emperor. The same eyes and the same expressions.

Athelinda didn't need to speak for him to realize exactly what he was doing. Sitting and drinking tea. Had he ever done that with Claude? Hah! Claude would never waste his tea time on a snake such as him, let alone allow him to sit on the same level as him.

And yet he dares to sit with the princess and drink tea, all while looking down on her.

Truly, this snake was a fool.

An arrogant one.

"Is the tea not to your liking, Duke?" Athelinda asked the frozen Duke.

"N-No, it's an honour to be given the opportunity to drink tea with her highness. " The Duke bowed his head, before picking up the tea cup.

Athelinda observed the man as he drunk the tea. "Duke...are you resistant to poisons?" She asked and the Dukes expression became horrified. He immediately placed the tea cup down and looked at it.

The Duke slowly went pale. "Princess..." he spoke as if questioning her intentions.

"Idle chat aside. I can get you arrested by telling his Majesty the list of crimes you have committed against me. "

"What do you want in exchange for silence?" Roger asked as he was becoming paler.

"oh nothing much. I simply want a loyal dog. In exchange for my silence, I want you to help me in the future. But for now, stop sending nuisances after me. His Majesty almost witnessed them yesterday. " Athelinda told him.

The Duke nodded weakly before asking the young girl,"About the poison..."

"Oh, no need to worry. It's a rather weak one. Not enough to kill you, but give you a wonderful day!" Athelinda smiled Innocently. The Duke looked at her and sighed.

"That being said, you may leave now. I am quite busy as well." Athelinda spoke before getting up.

The Duke spoke his farewell before leaving the two.

"Your highness, when did you put poison in his tea?" Cassandra asked as she was cleaning the table.

The tea was personally made by Cassandra and she had certainly not put any poison in it.

"I didn't." She replied innocently.

Cassandra looked at the tea cup and then at the princess with confusion.

"Try it." Athelinda ordered and Cassandra did so.

"It...tastes normal?"

Truly, the Duke is a fool.

There was no poison in the tea. Since Athelinda is still a child she doesn't drink tea. Therefore, tea isn't made in Jade Palace. The tea leaves used in the Dukes tea were those which commoners drunk.  The ones which the maids in the Palace drunk if they wanted to drink tea. The cheapest ones in the market.

A commoners taste in tea cannot be compared to a noble or royals preference. The rich Duke must never have drunk common tea, but other varieties Imported from the neighbouring lands. Compared to those luxuries, normal tea would have a slightly bland taste.

And to top it off, Athelinda brought forth the mention of poisons which automatically led the Duke to believe the tea's consisted of it.

Jade Palace was a poorly managed palace since the beginning. Not having any proper tea leaves was not surprising. The budget of the Palace couldn't be wasted on something the princess thought wasn't a necessity.

Cassandra who probably had never drunk lavish tea, found nothing wrong with the tea. How innocent.

Athelinda chuckled slightly as she thought of how stupid the Duke is. He might even summon a doctor to prepare an antidote. And how funny would that be? when he finds out the tea contained no poison and that he was tricked.

"The Duke has a sensitive taste. Enough of that, I'm going to the library." Athelinda declared before heading out once again.


Once again she sat in her favourite spot in the library, quietly reading her book. Completely lost in her own world, so as to not even notice the man approaching her.

"Blessings and Glory upon the star of the Obelian Empire." The man bowed. Athelinda flinched at the sudden interruption.

"Uh, Oh it's you..." She recognized the man from before.

"Its an honour for you to remember me."

"Who are you?"

"Ah, A viscount... Patterson. "

"Viscount Patterson?"


Athelinda observed the man from head to toe. His clothes definitely looked like nobility. His ebony hair were neatly combed to the side. He was smiling as he stood in front of the young princess.

"Do you need something from me?" Athelinda asked as she shifted her eyes to the book in hand.

"May I sit beside you? " He asked her, to which Athelinda didn't mind.

The two sat parallel to each other and simply read their books, quietly.

The viscount made small talk every once in a while, asking her which book she's reading, or if she wants any refreshments.

Athelinda thought it suspicious for a noble to approach and talk with her. But he didn't feel dangerous or uncomfortable to be with, he talked less as well.

The sun set with Athelinda leaving the library.

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