Sighing deeply Emma walked to the main area where everyone waited in anticipation. They knew something was wrong as she walked in, and a surge of fear flowed through Sniper. Sighing once more she told them everything and that Miss Pauling was on her way to give her side of the story, and so that they could come up with a plan and stop the BLU team. Everyone nodded or hummed in unison, but Sniper was just glad that nothing happened to her. He hasn't seen her in a few days, and not because he was the one disappearing, she was so busy with her assignments she had not been around. He missed his coffee partner, her smile and just her in general. Frowning slightly to himself he pushed those thoughts away.  

In no time Pauling had arrived, asking Heavy to move the dining table to the middle of the room. Everyone stood around the table and Pauling placed a few files and papers down. Looking at the information, she gave everyone a brief explanation of her side of the story. Falling into action Pauling and the Administrator had known about the unknown activity around the BLU teams base for a while but didn't know about the unknown man and if there were more of them. She also told them about a shipment of new supplies coming in two days and that would be their best opportunity to get in and retrieve the file. Emma, Scout and Spy would infiltrate the building and find the file. Emma was also the only one who knew what the file looked like, so she'll have to run point from the inside while Pauling ran it from the base with everyone else there. Scout and Spy were her protection while Sniper would be close by as their look out and the rest would stay at base and be back up if something went wrong. Agreeing to the plan everyone broke up. "Get some rest everyone. We're going to need it." 

Walking to her room Emma felt terrified having to run point and going further behind enemy lines. Sniper noticed her body tense up as Pauling said she'll be running point. He knew she was scared, and he knew he needed to calm her nerves. Stopping her before she entered her room, she tried keeping a brave face, but Sniper saw through it. "You, ok?" Smiling weakly, she took a deep breath knowing she could be honest with him. "Not really." She turned fully to him, fiddling with the hem of her shirt, she felt nervous, "I'm scared. Well actually, I'm terrified." Taking another breath Sniper's expression softened making her relax slightly. He didn't quite know what to say to make her feel better. Fumbling with his words Emma smiled softly, taking a deep breath he spoke with confidence. "All Oi wanted to say was... it's ok to be scared. That just means you'll think sharp and protect yourself better. If you really want," Hesitating because he didn't think he was going to do it. "Oi can help you feel a bit more prepared?" Taken slightly off guard, she wasn't expecting him to offer his assistance with her stress. She thought that she had to try and figure it out all on her own, but Sniper saw through her, and she was very thankful for it. Smiling once more she opened her door, "I'd love that. Would you like to come in, we can talk more if you'd like?" 

Feeling very shy that she had offered him to come in she looked at him half expectantly. Feeling his heartbeat against his ribcage he didn't know what to say or do. He would like to spend time with her but in circumstances like these he was unsure. He didn't want the others to think something was happening between them, and nothing was, but he didn't want rumors to spread like wildfire. Looking past her shoulder into her room – that previously was a storage room – he decided that no, he would continue the conversation the next day. 

"No, Oi'll- next time." Smiling that she had left him perplexed she also felt a bit sad but pushed it away. Scratching the back of his neck he cleared his throat, "Well, Oi'll see you tomorrow. Good night, sheila." Tipping his hat he walked away, hearing her soft voice behind him. "Thank you, Mundy." Smiling to himself he whispered, "You're welcome, luv." Retiring to his van, his serious side was again unhappy with him. Emma on the other hand laid on her bed trying to calm her heart. Feeling ready for whatever the mission might bring, she was also glad Mundy was going to help her prepare.


Waking up like every other morning and meeting Sniper in the kitchen he saw that she was much more relaxed. He had suggested training her more, it would help her feel prepared and would also take her mind off of everything. Emma agreed, getting ready she wore comfortable fighting clothes and met him by his van. He also said to train a bit in the dessert, not to get distracted by the others.

They had two days to make her feel more prepared, although the night of day two the shipment would arrive. So, they would not train on day two as he did not want her to be sore for the mission. The preparation consisted of fighting hand-to-hand, but Sniper kept having the upper hand. He told her it wasn't a bad thing losing, she gets to learn from her mistakes and learn his tricks. At one point when they circled one another, she had tricked him. Stopping she pointed into the distance, "What's that?!" Quickly looking into that direction, she kicked him in the chest only making him fumble back and chuckle. "That's the oldest trick in the book." "Yet you fell for it." Tilting her head knowingly he only shook his head smirking.  

It was hot as the afternoon sun slowly started to reach the horizon, constantly beating down on them. Sniper had removed his hat, glasses, quiver, vest and shirt only staying in his tank. He was tanned there was no doubt in that, his arms and shoulders were built. Emma felt more intimidated than usual. Your uniform does you no justice. Emma couldn't really remove anything unless she wasn't shy showing a bit of skin. But she was shy and wouldn't be caught dead walking around half naked. 

Emma really wanted to beat Sniper, only if it was once, she just wanted him to sit in the dirt for a little while. As he swung towards her, she dodged turning her right shoulder towards him sweeping with her right leg underneath him. Losing his balance she pushed him back, causing him to land on his back she quickly sat on his abdomen pinning his arms to the desert floor. Putting up a fight he lifted his arms, lifting her as well. Jumping slightly to get more momentum she used all her strength pushing him back down. Not fighting anymore, he knew he would be dead if she was an enemy. 

Smiling proudly that she had beat him she wanted to say something but was distracted by Sniper's calm blank expression. Losing her smile she looked into his icy blue eyes, feeling very shy, and becoming more aware of her surroundings. Frightful that as she leaned over him that he saw more than what he bargained for. Hearing his breathing and feeling his abdomen rise and fall she felt how muscular he was. Again, your uniform does you no justice. She thought he would be more pudgy or not as muscular as he was at that moment, under her. He had a scare on his left cheek bone. She had notice it before but all of a sudden it stood out to her. Feeling his knee rise behind her she held her breath, loosening her grip on his wrists.

Smirking at her he saw his chance, lifting her slightly he swiftly turned her on her back, receiving a soft yelp. Sitting on his knees between her legs pinning her underneath him she went stiff, not sure what to do. Chuckling lightly, he remembered the first day they met and all too familiar position. Tilting his head slightly he smirked and leaned closer, making her hold her breath once more. "Don't get distracted, luv." Feeling his breath on her cheeks she became a bright red, and not from the heat. She couldn't even cover her face as he held her wrists. Unable to say anything she only nodded, swallowing thickly. His eyes searched her hazel- green ones but wasn't sure what he was looking for.

Reluctantly removing himself from her he helped her up. Leaving her to catch her breath he went to grab some water bottles. But Emma was unaware how the situation had made him feel as well. His serious side was furious that he just laid there, he knew he was strong enough to remove her much sooner. But a side that he didn't quite know about wouldn't mind it happening again.

Returning he handed her a bottle, her face was less red, but she avoided eye contacted. The drive back was also quiet, Sniper was the only one not as bothered by the situation. Back at base Emma took a cold shower and tried pushing her thoughts away but they kept going back to... him. Why would he do that to me?!  At dinner she was more quiet than usual, and Sniper was his normal self. The next morning, she would have liked to avoid him, but that day was the day the shipment was going to arrive, and she couldn't stay mad at him and had to focus on the mission. 

Pauling had arrived just after 12 and set everything up. Making sure the communicators worked and that they would be ready if anything went south. Suiting up Emma was ready, but the fear slowly soaked in as she sat around waiting to go. The time had finally arrived. Grabbing a knife and her communicator she made her way to the main area where Scout and Spy stood waiting for her. Taking a deep breath she nodded to them, Scout smirked. "Let's do this, Collector!" Smiling at Scout she felt welcomed as he said her code name.

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