Deal with The Duat

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{AN: the title is 100% taken from FellFromHeaven2Hell   And their story so uh, sorry, but I'm, if your not them, you should totally check it out, you can find it in my reading list or a few other ways:) }

I accidentally slap the cupcake out of the hand.

Then "accidentally" stand up, and punch the nurse across the face.

A few other nurses rush around me and at one point I feel a pinch in my neck.

When I wake up, once again, I'm laying on my side, facing a blank wall.

I sit up and observe my surroundings, still drowsy from whatever they did to me.

I'm sitting on a cot, in a small otherwise empty room.

I'm wearing an almost completely grey outfit, grey sweater, grey sweatpants, and white slip-on shoes.

Out of the window in the door I see a man running past. I open the door slowly to check what was going on, only to see Marc a few feet down the hall, running like his life depended on it.

"Marc?" I call, he stops and looks at me.

"Rowan?" For a second I forget everything that I don't like about him and run (in a very unstable/ wobbly way) to meet him.

He pulls me into a hug, which I let him, before ushering me through another door.

"In here." The room is about the same size as the one I had woken up in, Marc was hiding behind the door as two people shot past.

When we look around we're both shocked to see a sarcophagus, that sounds like someone's trying to escape from.

"What the hell?" I asks, quiet enough the people chasing Marc wouldn't hear.

"Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Please! Please, someone let me out!" A voice calls from within.

Marc hesitantly walks over and moves the 5 TON WEIGHT of the sarcophagus top, a man immediately pops out, looking identical to Marc, only wearing a blue outfit instead of the white one Marc was wearing.

"Steven?" Marc asked, his voice unsure.

"Marc?" Steven wasn't as suspicious, just more happy to see someone.

They pull each other into a hug, and I just stand near the door. {AN: Rowan really said 🧍🏼}

When they stop hugging, Steven immediately looks Marc up and down, probably trying to figures out the same thing I was, how the hell are they both standing there??

"How is this possible?" Steven asks.

"I don't know." Marc responds. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asks pointing towards Steven.

"Harrow shot us." Steven motioned towards himself and Marc as he spoke.

"Yes!" Marc was literally jumping out of joy "Rowan?"

"You telling me to stay awake, then gunshots." I answer, the memory of my own blood spilling out into Alexander the Great's tomb fills my mind.

"Ok, we gotta get out of here. Follow me. Come on." Marc says, his little minute of excitement staying strong as he opened the door.

We head back out into the hall, Marc and Steven moving in a zigzag pattern across the white tile.

Meanwhile I walked against the wall, I'm trying not to get caught here.

We walk up to an open door, another sarcophagus standing in the room, also it's contents also banging to be let out.

Marc and Steven both head hesitantly to free the person, but I have a pretty good guess as to who it is.

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