Fun Facts (plus extra bonus scene)

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It's Mattie_Raynes, I hope you enjoyed the story, I've decided to include a kind of bonus feature that just has some of my thoughts from while I was writing Spector, as long as a deleted conversation between Rowan and Ma'at, so here we go!

1. Originally Rowan was supposed to be either the Avatar of Ra or Anubis, though from the stories I've read it seems like the extra character is usually the avatar of a male god, and usually a very well known one as well (I'm guilty of doing this in MKs and MKsJoS), so I looked up some Egyptian gods. (Related note: I had no idea how to pronounce Ma'at until I was like halfway through this, it's pronounced Mah-rah-at according to google.)

2. I had been planning the death scene since I was still writing Moon Knightress, though Originally y/n was supposed to be in the middle of fighting and Marc was just there for some reason, idk why, but I never figured out how to incorporate it into the storyline of MKs, so it turned into Rowan's death.

3. I don't know if you picked up on this but Rowan's scales had no correlation to who she was in life, being Ma'at's avatar Ma'at knew that they were a good person. So alternatively, Rowan's scales only started to slow when their relationship I'm with Marc imporoved, and I had planned a conversation between Ma'at and Rowan where this was revealed, eventually I scrapped it to keep the symbolism, it takes place just after Steven switches in after they come back to life. And here it is:

As Steven and Khonsu started their negotiations I step away, Ma'at following behind.

"I need to talk to you." I say stopping out of earshot of Steven. "What the hell was that?"

"What do you mean?" Ma'at asks, genuine wonder fills her tone.

"The scales Ma'at. The damn scales." I say, my voice rising slightly. "If I'm that bad of a god damned person why am I your avatar?"

"Ah, I have this thing, a sort of personal rule. I don't take avatars that have done evil, or that I suspect will do evil, Rowan, you are a good person. Though you weren't permitted to pass until your relationship with your father had improved."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I ask, storming back towards Steven and Khonsu, who are both standing.

"You forget little worm, I am still the god of the night sky!"

[end scene]

4. You probably picked up on this, but throughout the story I use They/Them pronouns for Rowan, also referring to them as Marc's child, not daughter or son. The intent with this was so that anyone could picture themselves as Rowan, regardless of gender. Though as the story goes on, Rowan starts to become a more feminine character, especially as a small child. (Pigtails in the memory with the group who hated Marc, and slightly shorter hair when first joining Onyx.)

5. The entire idea of Rowan being a former gang member was completely made up day of, I literally contemplated possibly someone from Onyx showing up in Cairo, but by then it was too late to incorporate it considering by then I was writing about the Heka Priest attack in the cave. Also, I came up with Oynx (which accidentally sounds like a cult the way it's used by the members) was through a fictional gang name generator.

6. Rowan's mom's name was going to be Lisa, and now I can thank Autocorrect for giving me the name Liza.

7. Caleb's 'death' was written within the same second it was thought of, no joke, one second I thought, maybe I should kill him off for ✨drama✨ the next second I was killing him off for ✨drama✨, also the Onyx name King, came out of nowhere, but now every time I see it I immediately think of King from the hate u give 🤦🏼 (ironically played by Anthony Mackie.)

8. I 100% copied Layla and Hawkeye's Ronan costume as my inspo for Rowan's costume. At least that's how I thought of it.

9. For the ending I was thinking of having the caller be Valentina, considering she's appeared in both FATWS and Black Widow, but ultimately decided to go the faked death route.

10. This story was inspired by a story I was reading, that I'm told by the author was slightly inspired by Moon Knightress 💀

11.Rocky was just a random thing I threw in at the beginning that I got way too attatched to right before killing him.

12. Not really a fun fact, just a side note, I hope someone laughed at the fact that one of they Onyx members Onyx name was Shrek...

So yeah, those are the fun facts, again I hope you enjoyed Rowan and their journey through the Duat.

Feel free to check our Moon Knightress, and the sequel Moon Knightress: journey of Self!

I may write a new story soon, though I have no idea what movie/era from or what about.

Till next time,


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