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We all walk back through the doors, again entering the halls of the psych ward.

"Yeah, alright."

"So how are we supposed to do this?" Marc asks

"Not sure." I say, glancing around to see if there were any clues

"Do you think Layla's alright?"  Steven asks.

"You and your god damn crush." I say.

"Yeah, it's annoying." Marc agrees.

"Wait you know?" I ask.

"About them kissing? Yes, I'm the one who pushed Steven off the cliff." I can't help but laugh, even though he got me in trouble with Layla. "But, knowing Layla, she'll go on a suicide mission to stop harrow herself. But she's probably ok for now."

"That means we better hurry doesn't it?" Steven asks, completely ignoring the whole cliff thing.

"You know what Layla would be all right with if she were here right now?"


"We're not killing the fucking hippo, Marc!" I say, why does everything come down to death?

"I'm just saying there is one hippo and three of us,"

"Stop." I'm almost begging now, and Steven and I have started walking away.

"And this ship can't be that hard to steer. So..." Marc says following us as Steven goes from door to door. "And we don't have to actually..."

"Have to what? Kill the goddess Taweret?" Steven asks, Marc needs to just let it go.

"No, just, you know, find me a rope and..." Marc doesn't finish his sentence.

"Yeah. Or we could do what she says, and help each other uncover whatever it is that we're hiding, apparently." Steven says, probably one of the most reasonable things I've heard today.

Steven and I step up to a door, the lights inside flashing. Inside Marc's in his suit, punching what looks to be an already dead Jackal, in a bathroom?

"Steven, I don't know about you guys, but my memories are a fricking mess." Marc says.

"Yeah mine too." Steven stares into the door, I've already walked away, not yet to the next door but I don need to see something I saw pretty much every time I saw my father.

I step across the hall, the memory of Steven and I turning back the sky is playing. It looks pretty damn cool when your not in pain. Both Khonsu and Ma'at are visible, standing behind us.

"Woah." Marc says, having walked up behind us. "That's wild."

"And it hurt."  I say, turning to see where Steven had went.

He had approached the next door down. Inside this one, a small child with pigtails, walked through a busy street. I remember that day.

"Oi, what's this?" Steven asks.

"Hey that's Rowan." Marc says.

"Yeah, whatever, let's keep moving." I say, leaving the boys behind.

I step to another door, this one also my own memory. A black eye, a bloody nose, and a few scratches covered my face as 16-year- old me walked down an alley.

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