Ezekiel spreads his arms, "I welcome you all to the Kingdom, good travelers. Now, what brings you to our fair land? Why do you seek an audience with the King?"

Rick carefully picks his words before he opens his mouth. "Ezekiel. King Ezekiel. Alexandria, the Hilltop, and the Kingdom -- all three of our communities have something in common. We all serve the Saviors. Alexandria already fought them once, and we won. We thought we took out the threat, but we didn't know then what we know now. We only beat one outpost. We've been told you have a deal with them, that you know them. Then you know they rule through violence and fear."

The king's eyes zero in on Jesus in anger. "Your Majesty, I only told them of the-"

Ezekiel puts his hand up to stop him. "Our deal with the Saviors is not known among my people -- for good cause. We made you a party to that secret when you told us of the Hilltop's own travails, but we did not expect you to share -"

"We can help each other." Jesus pleads.

"Don't interrupt the King." Jerry warns.

I let out a loud whistle, like a grade school teacher calling for everyone to settle down. At the sound, the tiger struts to the edge of the stage, ears down, body crouching, butt and feet shifting in anticipation. Every person standing in the room looks between myself and the tiger in awe and bewilderment. "Hey, stop fucking arguing. How about we stop interrupting each other and let everyone finish their peace, Jerry?" I growl. The king's eyes find me, looking as if he didn't notice me before I got his cats attention. "Because I don't feel like listening to everyone argue in circles. I got shit to do."

"Shiva, stop!" King Ezekiel orders. Shiva ignores her master. I cock my head, approaching the stage with an idea in mind and a gut feeling that just won't quiet down. It might be reckless, but it seems and feels right. Rick tries to grab me on the way through, but the king stops him by shaking his head. I step up onto the platform carefully and slowly, keeping the tiger in my view. Shiva perks up, watching me with the same curiosity. A foot from her, I lower myself down onto my knees so I'm at eye level with her. I put my arms out, letting her make this decision. I'm either about to die or have a damn good friend. I'm hoping and praying for the ladder.

Richard smacks me in warning with the staff in his grip. Shiva lets out a low growl towards him. I raise my chin, "you really don't want to do that, again. I will show you why I'm the scariest person in this room at this current moment." I threaten, eyes narrowing. Shiva returns to her mission at hand. She pushes her big head in my face, ignoring my outstretched hands, sniffing happily. Coming to a resolve, I observe as she lays next to me with her back to me. I smile, wearily placing my hand along her back, rubbing her fur. She relaxes under my touch. "You're a beautiful baby." I coo, suddenly in heaven.

Tearing his eyes off of me and Shiva, King Ezekiel gives Jesus his red hot attention, starting where he had all left off before I so rudely interrupted. "We brought you into our confidence. Why did you break it?"

"Because I want you to hear Rick's plans." Jesus states, motioning towards my leader. I watch as it all plays out with a tiger at my side.

"And what plans have you, Rick Grimes of Alexandria?"

Rick spreads his arms, "we came to ask the Kingdom, to ask you, to join us in fighting the Saviors, fighting for freedom for all of us."

"What you are asking is very serious."

"Several of our people -- good people -- were killed by the Saviors, brutally." Michonne offers.

In the corner, I see Morgan straighten up upon hearing the news. "Who?"

Rosita faces him. "Abraham. Glenn. Spencer, Olivia." She ticks off the list. "Eugene was taken. They took Daryl. He escaped. Every second he's out here, he's a target. Vanessa left, almost didn't come back, because her ex, the one who almost murdered her, is with Negan. He has dangerous people under him. You gonna say you were right?" She crosses her arms, challenging him. I wince at her mentioning of Owen, but I had opened that door when I brought it to everyone's attention.

The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now