
347 2 0

Seattle, Washington, US

April 31, 2006

 The last thing Marcia Haney expected to see when she got home was her seventeen-year-old daughter curled up on the floor with a severe fever.  Gwen had turned on every fan and AC unit in their small Seattle home but it seemed to only make the heat worse.  And she could feel all of her bones slowly breaking one at a time.

But the most puzzling thing was that Gwen felt pure, unfiltered rage.

Marcia dropped her bag and quickly raced to her child, "Gwen! Baby, what's wrong?"  She was so worried she didn't even shut the door.

"I-I don't know! Mom, help me!" Gwen cried out through uneven breaths.  Her anger subsided a little at the voice of her mother but it came back as quickly as it went.

Marcia felt the heat radiating off of her daughter and raced around to make an ice bath for her.  Once she finished setting it up she went to help Gwen off of the floor but the teen did something unexpected.  She snarled.

"What the hell?" Marcia muttered to herself as Gwen scrambled away from her. "Gwen? What are you doing?"

But Gwen wasn't listening.  The anger washed violently over her like waves in the sea.  And suddenly the rest of her bones broke and shifted all at once.  She felt hair grow from every place in her body, and her teeth became elongated and pointed.  Gwen grew taller and taller until she towered over her frightened mother. A tail formed out from her backside and her hands and feet turned into paws with razor-sharp claws. 

She was a giant wolf.

Marcia screamed in terror and confusion. But that only made Gwen more annoyed so she swiped her paw across her mother's chest, her claws digging deep into her flesh. 

And Gwen did it again and again until the screams were no more.

The silence calmed Gwen down until she was no longer angry anymore, just confused.  The smell of blood hit her nose and she looked down to find the mutilated corpse of her mom.  And she then realized what she had done, what she had become.  Gwen let out a strangled, piercing wail of sorrow. 

'CHANGE BACK! CHANGE BACK! I DON'T WANT TO BE A MONSTER,'  Gwen thought she clawed violently at herself.

It became too much for her.  Gwen blacked out.

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