xvi. frenemies

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Inez motioned Alexander to the circulation desk, which was sort of at the center of a lot of patient recovery rooms. The walls were plastered with baby animals with a light tan background. There were also blue and white winter-themed decorations that hung from overhead. Overall, the vibe of the children's recovery wing was friendly and welcoming.

It was certainly what Alexander needed concerning his current state of mind.

"Hey, Nurse Zamora," Inez smiled at a nurse sitting at a desk, who was typing away at a computer. "Do you know if Faye is here?"

"She is, but she's been discharged since you last saw her. However, she's here for a regular check-up with Dr. Grant. Her parents are here, too, so you caught Faye just in time," Nurse Zamora informed as she looked up from her computer screen. "They're just down the hall to the right in C301."

"Thank you, Nurse Zamora," Inez acknowledged with a genuine smile before she turned to Alexander. "Let's go."

Soon enough, they sauntered several steps away to room nine. Three adults stood in front of the door. Two of the adults were the little girl's parents, who were eagerly listening to the doctor who held up a clear orange tube of medications and a clipboard. As soon as the parents saw Inez, a wide smile automatically appeared on their faces before they extended her arms to give her a hug.

"Inez, it's been too long. How have you been?" Faye's mother raved. As she let go of the hug, she reached out to shake Alexander's hand. "This must be your friend, right, Inez?"

"Uh, yeah," Inez nodded. Frankly, she didn't know what to call Alexander, but since they've been pretty friendly with each other for the past month, she went along with it. "Is Faye enjoying the gift I gave her a few weeks ago?"

"She sure is," Faye's father said in his thick Southern accent. "Faye loves her Barbie doll so much to the point where she's been playing with it non-stop. Thank you for getting it for her."

"She'll be really excited to see you here today," Faye's mother chirped before she turned to the doctor. "Will that be okay for Inez and her friend to visit our daughter as we talk about her medication Dr. Grant?"

"Yes, of course," Dr. Grant nodded as she stepped back to hold open the swinging door to the patient room.

As soon as both individuals were in, the door closed shut behind them. In the hospital bed was Faye. Her dirty blonde hair was propped up in a high bun, which brought out her gorgeous hazel eyes. Alexander began to wonder if it was a little girl laying in the hospital bed, or if it was a real angel sent from heaven. This girl looked way too innocent to be bedridden with illnesses.

But that obviously didn't stop her from being the little girl she was.

"Inez, I missed you so much!" Faye exclaimed as she extended her arms so Inez could give her a hug.

"I missed you, too," Inez smiled before she picked up a classic Barbie doll which stood on a stand. "I hear that you've been enjoying the doll I gave you?"

"Yes, of course," Faye beamed with the most innocent of smiles. "But did you know that I can go home again after my mommy and daddy are finished talking with the doctor about my medicine?"

"Oh, really? That's amazing. I'm so happy for you, Faye," Inez hummed as she softened a strand from her hair, which was withdrawn from her bun. "I'm glad everything went well for you." 

Beaming, the little girl tilted her head before she made direct eye contact with Alexander, who quietly stood in the back of the room. "Inez, who's your friend?"

"I'm Alexander," he introduced himself shyly with a smile as he stepped forward.

Faye's mouth dropped wide open before she cupped it. "Oh, I know! Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?"

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