The blond sat there completely stunned for a few seconds. With that being said, I stood up and began walking away. Or I would have if a hand didn't grab mine in an effort to stop me. I thought I would let him gather his thoughts for a while before he responded to me, but I guess this was getting resolved now.

When I looked back at him, his face looked so confused. "A woman like you could grow feelings for me?" he asked, his eyes wide.

I laughed and gave him a smile, "Don't sell yourself short, Sanji. You'd be the perfect guy if you'd stop being such a perv. Any woman would be lucky to have you. You're male wife material."

His mouth laid agape and his grip on my hand loosened. He basically became a statue. I took the glasses off my face and placed them back over his eyes. I continued walking away after that. He can do what he wants with that information, but at least now I know that things will change for my own sanity's benefit. Will I miss his attention? Yes, maybe a whole lot, I'm a sucker for it, but that's why I had to stop that here. I can only get so attached while watching him bow at other women's feet like 24/7.

Once I was back where everyone else was, I saw that Hitetsu was walking up to the center of the clearing with a large box. "Oh! (Y/n)! What were you doing over there?!" Luffy called out to me, smiling and running toward me.

I smiled, "Oh nothing. I just had to sort something out. What's going on over here?"

"Hitetsu is giving us stuff to use for the raid!" Chopper answered for him, coming up to me as well. Just as he said that the swordsmith dropped the box onto the ground and then took a seat back on his large, rounded stone seat. The two of them spun around at the loud thud.

"Let's go check it out then," I said, dashing between the two of them and opening the chest-like containers. Brook joined in on the inspecting of the new items just as the other two made it to either side of me.

It was full of samurai style armor, vibrant in color and very shiny. "Are you really allowing us use these?!" Luffy asked, his eyes shining brightly.

Chopper picked a helmet up and gasped, "Wow! It's a samurai helmet! I wanna show it to Usopp, too!"

"Maybe when we meet up with him and Franky, we can keep these to show them," I told him with a grin. He nodded quickly.

"We're warriors!" Brook laughed out, taking a chest piece out from the box.

The three of them were quick to put on the armor. They smiled triumphantly to themselves upon seeing the results of their playing around. Luffy made sure to strap a sword on himself once again in order to give him the finished samurai look. This action was copied by Chopper.

"Your enemy is that ill-famed Kaido. Are you all prepared?!" Hitetsu asked all of them.

They all shifted to pose beside each other and Luffy stepped forward to answer that question. "Kaido?" he repeated. "That loser... is about to be sliced up!"

The three of them proceeded to make a bunch of noises and strike poses with their new outfits. I'll admit, I tried to put the armor on. Alas, it was not made for women, so it did not fit right, and it looked weird on me. It was a sad realization. I love the look of the samurai armor; it makes everything look cool. Carrot agreed with my thoughts because she complimented Luffy and them.

"Oh, how cute," Robin chimed in addition to Carrots comment. "Just like bugs."

"BUGS?!" Chopper and Brook echoed in disbelief. "C-CUTE?!"

I laughed and patted the reindeer's head, "Hey, don't sweat it. Beetles are pretty damn strong. And they look cool."

"YES! Like Hercules beetles!" Luffy butted in, his eyes sparkling once again.

"Oh right!" the reindeer chirped, his memory being sparked for something completely unknown to me. Luffy probably showed him beetles before I guess. His obsession with them isn't as strange as I thought it was now that I think about. He likes strange strong things. And here we are, a crew of strange strong things. His interests don't really go outside that category, I guess. 

The conversation grew into more serious matters when Robin decided to inform us on the status of Onigashima. It would be winter at the shore of Kaido's island. The weather for the day is still unclear, but as long as there are no clouds to block the moon, we could have the full power of the Minks that will be fighting with us since the moon would be full. 

After this discussion, Luffy walked to the ledge where Sanji and Zoro were, looking out to the sea in a brooding manner. "Big Mom is here," he stated. "Big Mom is here, but not Jinbei. He said he'd meet us here when he was done dealing with them, but she got here before him!"

Zoro walked to his side and smiled, "There's still time, he'll come. If he's alive."

I smacked him over the head, "Jinbei isn't dead! There's no chance of it! You shoulda seen him stand in front of Big Mom. He told her to fuck off right to her face."

His eyebrows raised, "Really? I can't imagine that."

"Well, maybe because he didn't say 'Fuck off' but it was pretty much that," I clarified. He shook his head.

Meanwhile, Luffy looked to me and smiled, "I'm sure (y/n)'s right. He's alive, and he'll come in time."

I patted his shoulder, "For sure. He's super strong and so are his followers."

Speaking of followers, how many do we have by now? I keep thinking of us as the small but mighty Straw Hat crew, but really when I think about it, I think we have far more than 5k people ready to set sail for us right now. There's no way the samurai want more random outsiders to help in their cause though. Some of them are kind of wild, anyway.

Another day another slay
ALSO. Listen. LIIIISTEN. I don't ship. If anything I complain about the inevitable that Oda seems to be setting up. Like Hiyori n Zoro(I like hiyori, its not her fault that im jealous). BUT BUT BUT I have been on tiktok. I've been on tiktok and it has directed my attention to a ship that I like. Frobin. FROBIN IS SO GOOD WHAT?! HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE?!

A Small Adventure (One Piece fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें