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Lightbulb had still been asleep by the time Fan and Paintbrush had dropped off the replacement screen, so the two of them ended up going directly back out. Today was just a day to be out, Fan supposed, as the two of them made their way back onto the sidewalks and out of the woods. Truly, Fan didn't know what to get her. He hadn't usually gotten the opportunity to get gifts, not really being invited to many occasions where gift giving was necessary, outside of family gatherings, but family was easy to shop for. This, on the other hand, was a gesture that Fan wanted to make, to let Testtube know that he really did care for her... Surely she'd like some sort of gift, right? At least, as long as he got her the right gift, and if it was just that bad, who knew what would happen! He let his thoughts continue to spiral for a bit, before Paintbrush's voice finally snapped him out of it.

"So uh... Anything specific? Any ideas?" Paintbrush raised an eyebrow

"Huh?-- oh, um... I guess something science-y like suggested earlier wouldn't hurt, right? Do you know if she's low on any supplies or something?"

"Um... I barely ever go down to her lab unless I'm invited because frankly, it's really creepy down there sometimes, so I... uh, don't really know."

"Hmm.." Fan kept his gaze to the sidewalk in front of him, completely focusing on thinking about what to get.

"Maybe we just pick a store and see where that gets us... Might narrow the options or something." Paintbrush shrugged, keeping their gaze up as they noticed Fan deep in thought again. "What about a science kit?"

"A... science kit. She's a real, accomplished scientist and you think she'd like one of those little kiddie science kits?" Fan paused in his tracks, almost baffled by the suggestion.

"Jeez okay well do you have any better ideas dude?" Paintbrush rolled their eyes.

Fan only sighed in response, continuing to walk.

Eventually, the two found themselves in a store filled with miscellaneous science related stuff, it was a miracle the city even had a store for stuff like this, but Fan just figured this city had most anything, just based on how large it really was. So the two of them looked around the store, Paintbrush jokingly suggesting a few things, before Fan finally picked something he just had to hope she'd like. Leaving the store, it was slowly turning evening.

"Oh shoot-- um, hey we gotta go back now, I have something planned with Lightbulb."


"Yeah-- Um, a date. Unlike you, I'm not scared of being open about stuff like this." Paintbrush gave a smug, joking look, watching Fan shoot them a glare.

"I- I just," He paused, letting out a sigh. "I just don't know if she wants to be open about it, or even if we're really a thing yet,"

"Ah, well I guess that makes sense, but you didn't exactly make it subtle. You should probably have a conversation with her sometime about that."

Fan would just nod as the two made it back to the wooded area.

"Right, I won't say anything about it then." Paintbrush gave a light smile.


"Of course. Uh... I'm sure she'll like this gift."

"I sure hope so," Fan sighed, trying not to let his thoughts get the better of them as the two entered the base. Fan immediately went to check down at the lab, while Paintbrush checked the room that Lightbulb and them had shared, to see she wasn't there-- quickly checking to see if the window was opened, thankfully it not being so, then going to join the others down in the lab.


Lightbulb woke up a good three hours after Paintbrush did, to an empty room. She whined a bit, realizing they weren't there, but quickly got over it as she sat up in the bed, looking around the room, then to the window. Sunset already?? How long had she been asleep for? Today was just about over and she was just starting... She had to do something productive today, so she quickly got up, figuring Paintbrush had probably fed Baxter already, when they had woken up. She left the room to an... empty, quiet base... Which was immediately unnerving. She hated how quiet it got when nobody else was around, so she flicked on the TV for the slightest bit of background noise as she waddled over to the kitchen, seeing the note that Paintbrush had left for her and smiling, thinking it was cute that they were thoughtful enough to leave one in the first place...

Teamwork is a skill we lack. (II SUPERHERO AU FIC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن