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The timer for the charge on the machine ticked down as the hours went by. Once it was four, Cobs could technically set it off now, but he had something else he needed to do first. He needed to make sure nobody could easily get into his office to stop him, or it. He kept Taco at his side, along with two, high grade MePhoneX security models... And along with this, a weapon. He stood the two phones at guard at his office door, while Taco was set to guard the holding room. He walked out of the elevator to the office itself, now walking over to his desk. He ran his hand along it as he made his way to the other side, now taking a seat in his swivel chair, and pressing a button that had been situated under his desk.

The entire city seemed to start shaking at this. Bystanders below would describe the scene as if someone had just carefully plucked the top three floors of meeple headquarters right into the sky, onto a cloud, and if you weren't there to see it, you were sure to think they were crazy... But it still happened. The MeCloud had been formed, and now seemed to carefully be floating through the sky with the other clouds, no clear direction, but casting a huge shadow onto everything that lay below it. Safe to say, there was plenty of panic that afternoon. Meeple employees who had no idea what was going on, reporters grilling and questioning them for the slightest chance at some sort of story or scheme, and of course, no word, or sightings of the CEO. The city and surrounding area shook for a total of five minutes, but the commotion of citizens lasted much longer as so many searched for answers... And now nobody will be easily getting in the way. Cobs smiled as he watched the view of the city below him shift and change as his headquarters now moved with the clouds. He watched all the objects, who looked so tiny from all the way up there, like such insignificant specks now, panic and run around, and all the cars that had come to a complete halt.

All of it felt so... refreshing. Once this was all over, all of those objects, all of those little ants would never dare to oppose him, or his goals. He was going to prove himself as someone not to be messed with. Once this was all over, the city was sure to be his. And nobody was going to stop him.


It was around 4:30 when Cobs powered up the machine. He carefully pulled a lever on its side down, locking the egg in its containment case, and typed something that seemed to resemble coordinates down into the machine's keyboard and monitor, and then he slammed his fist down on the button, ecstatic at what this was going to do. Though, he didn't expect it to be so... Loud, was the first solid thought he had as he winced, and covered his ears, stumbling back a bit as the machine only amplified the shriek of the egg by tenfold, he wondered if the entire city had heard that. He wondered if any other heroes would come to check it out... that would be pesky...

And just as soon as the screeching had started, it stopped, and the building's power flickered. Cobs carefully opened his eyes, and uncovered his ears as he composed himself, and stepped towards the machine. Now he'd have to wait. The two MPX's that stood by the door suddenly seemed to become alerted to something, as a notification popped up on one of the screens.

"Suspicious activity on the second floor" Cobs narrowed his eyes at the message... Was... no, surely it wasn't... But he won't take any risks. He waved the one who had given the notification out of the room to deal with whatever that may be, while he now took the down time to sit and watch from the visor... To discover the group was still... oh so vigilant at taking him down... And they were making a plan. A very good one. A plan that seemed like it would work, except for the small detail that none of that silly little group accounted for, something that none of them would expect, as Cobs listened to every word, a huge grin spreading across his face. He'd have to set some traps.


When the building started shaking, MePhone let out a panicked yell, truly both of the objects in the room seemed to freak out, but MePhone was more vocal about it, being shoved to the ground by the force onto its back as it had slid down from the wall. It felt like the shaking just wouldn't stop, was this death? Was this what it felt like to die? MePhone shut its eyes tight, not quite ready to embrace it yet-- But of course, it wasn't death. It was the building being put into the sky, and the shaking stopped after five minutes, though to MePhone it had felt like so much longer.

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