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Paintbrush slowly opened their eyes, their tired gaze now on the ceiling, as Lightbulb still snuggled up beside them... That was definitely more than just five minutes... what time was it now? Was the question that lingered in their head as they carefully shifted in bed, careful not to wake Lightbulb up as they separated from her grasp, moving a spare pillow over for her to hug instead as they got up for the day. They figured it was best to let her sleep after she had exerted so much of her extra power the day prior to save them. After a few minutes of just sitting on the bed, they carefully got up, moving over to Baxter's container. Though the crab barely ever remained in it, always finding ways out to just be lurking around the room, he was in the container now, waiting to be fed. Paintbrush looked back over to Lightbulb for a moment, her mumbling something barely coherent in her sleep. They'd be the one feeding the crab today then. As they fed Baxter, they listened to Lightbulbs sleep mumbling, mostly to make sure she wasn't having another nightmare or something, in case they'd need to comfort her or anything, but it mostly seemed peaceful, from what they could make out, as most of it wasn't even comprehensible. After a bit of listening, figuring it was safe to just let her sleep as she seemed fine, they finished feeding Baxter, and headed into the main room to greet Fan, who was... peering over the back of the couch with a confused look. Paintbrush raised a brow as they closed the door to their room carefully.

"What, another spider?" They spoke, Fan slightly jumping as their voice interrupted the prior silence.

"Ah, uh... No, just uh, it'd be hard to explain, it's fine, it's nothing," Fan dismissed, shifting back to just be sitting on the couch normally.

"Uh-huh... okay." Paintbrush headed over to the kitchen to fix themselves a bowl of cereal.

"I think MePhone and MePad stopped by today, it was kinda hard to tell? But I think the both of them are down in the lab with Testtube,"

"Right, okay." Paintbrush didn't really seem to care, now just focusing on their breakfast, before their eyes finally wandered to the small clock on the oven, doing a double take as they realized it was now early afternoon. They paused from their cereal to look back over to Fan, as he fiddled with his phone. They took a moment to manage their bristles as best as they could before speaking;

"Uh... Why didn't anyone wake us up? Half of my day is gone..." Paintbrush sighed.

"I just figured you had an alarm, or were doing something, I dunno," He shrugged, his eyes still on his phone as he smiled.

"Right... We were just uh, cuddling. You know how she is," Paintbrush fought away the blush as they moved their gaze back to their cereal, deciding now wasn't the time for breakfast.

"Hey, can you pick something up for Testy?-- Uh, Testtube?" He stumbled over his words, quickly correcting himself with a slight blush of his own that he was thankful Paintbrush wasn't looking at him for.

"Um.. Yeah I guess. What is it?" Fan slid off the couch, moving over to show the item information.

"Just ordered today?"

"The store already just has it in stock I guess," Fan shrugged, moving his phone away.

"Yeah... Let's go I guess, I need to get some actual fresh air anyways." They stood, discarding the half eaten cereal, then leaving a note for Lightbulb so she wouldn't worry if she woke up before they made it back.

"Um... so where's this store?"

"It says it's uh...-- here, I'll just lend you the phone to see, if I get any texts just don't pay any mind!" Fan smiled, handing his phone over as the two of them walked out. Walking through the woods, Paintbrush wondered, and got a bit anxious at the thought of how busy the city was going to be considering the events of last evening. They really didn't want to be crowded-- but really, did anyone even know it was their group that took down Cobs? That Paintbrush had barely actually done anything?-- No. They shook off these thoughts, not wanting to fall into despair so soon after waking up, and certainly not in front of Fan. The walk out of the wooded area was quiet, as the two finally reached the sidewalk of the outskirts of town.

Teamwork is a skill we lack. (II SUPERHERO AU FIC)Where stories live. Discover now