A Mysterious Note

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Haneul's pov

"Haneul" my dad said, his bold voice ringing in my ear and I stopped eating and looked up.

"You still haven't apologized to me for sending your brother to the ceremony in your place" he said, glaring at me through his glasses.

Beside me Jeong Seok chuckled and I gave him an under table kick.

"I was going to..." I trailed off and my dad placed his fork on the table.

"Lee Haneul, you are not a kid anymore! I can't have you fooling and goofing around any longer. You need to marry Hinata's daughter no matter what" he instructed me.

"But dad what if I don't-"I started but he banged his fist on the table.

"Enough Haneul! When you were born in this family, your life was no longer yours. You don't have a say in this, I hope I am making myself clear" he growled and I looked down on my lap.

"That we are more than mere pawns in a game of our parents" Sakura's voice rings in my ears and I sigh.

She was right, we were just the pawns of our parents, in their game of money and power.


Sakura's pov

"Young Mistress, madam and sir are waiting for you downstairs" Ye Ri said, bowing down and I nodded, getting out of my bed.

I brushed my dark hair out of my eyes and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and anyone who saw me would immediately know I didn't have a good night's rest.

I quickly wore my uniform-red mini skirt and white shirt, and headed downstairs.

"Goodmorning father, Goodmorning mother" I greeted them, bowing individually to each of them and then went and sat at my usual spot on the table.

"I heared you transferred to a different school" my father says, buttering his toast and I nod.

"Good for you, you need keep your grades up. After all, Yeongin high is no joke" my mother tells me, cutting up a sausage with her knife and smiling at me venomously.

My grades? Right.

"Yes mother" I whispered.

I picked up my toast and tried to eat but somehow my hunger had vanished.

I just sat there, like a pathetic puppy, begging for some attention, but their eyes never flickered in my direction.

I sit idle at the table, wondering what was I doing when it hit me, I was waiting for them to say something, anything, but just like always, they didn't.

How was your first day?

Did you make any new friends?

Do you like the new school?

I wanted them to ask me those questions, but when I looked up from my plate, my father was busy reading newspapers and my mother was nowhere to be found.

Maybe, probably Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora