Vanessa looked at the opponent's face looking for some reaction, the man was impassive but his violet eyes shone with more intensity.
He didn't like where she was going with that conversation.
The guard kept talking before Afton decided to answer her.

- So I'm going to make things clear between you and me from now on... I don't know why you're still behind me, you're not getting anything at all, you're not helping me, you're just hurting me and criticizing me because I don't do the job well, but still, you don't go away - The woman took a deep breath, she tried her best not to look away from him, despite the fact that his violet eyes were becoming more menacing.

You could clearly tell that Afton was upset.
Tired of her revealing herself to him, of his victim not doing what he wanted.
It wasn't fun anymore.

Suddenly, she frowned at him.
Vanessa clenched her fists, and in a cold voice she spoke.

- Go away... Go away, leave me alone, I don't want to see you, I hate you - She released each word like bullets from a revolver.

He wasn't the only one angry.

- You want to kill me? Just do it. Do I hinder you? Am I a burden to you and your plans? Just kill me! - She exclaimed in fury, her clenched fists trembling and her eyes sharp after each word. - You are annoying, prepotent, inconsiderate, self-centered, apathetic! The only thing you're doing well is staying invisible so I don't get a chance to see your horrible rabbit form.

She was silent then, she didn't even try to dodge the kick he gave her.
Neither the other, nor the next.
Vanessa pressed her back against the wall and hit the rabbit's foot with a swipe, causing him to stumble.
Afton recoiled when he saw that she coughed blood from her mouth.
Anyone would say that he was satisfied, but he only burned with anger when he saw her smile.
Immediately after he disappeared in a cloud of violet mist, Vanessa began to laugh limply with a pained smile on her face.

- Get out of my sight! You are the worst person I have ever met. No wonder others try to cut you out of their lives! - She screamed into the air knowing he could hear her, she coughed again wiping the blood from her mouth between gasps of pain. She took a deep breath to keep talking - I don't care if you feel offended, I don't care if you get angry, because you don't care how I feel!

She reached into her pockets for the knife, realizing that she didn't have it, possibly because Afton stole it from her while she was unconscious.
She took the brown and white mask that she kept on her waist, and with all her strength, or what she had left, she threw it into the air, as if she expected to hit the invisible rabbit, but obviously the object only fell to the ground a few meters later.
Fortunately or unfortunately, it was intact.

Vanessa gasped, looking and closing her eyes, trying to forget the pain and breathe easily.
She leaned her back and head against the wall, opening her eyes slightly.
With a weak voice the woman continued talking, not knowing if he was even still there or if he had left to stop listening to her.

- If you're so supposedly obsessed with me, I'm going to propose one last thing... - She kept her eyes looking at the gray ceiling with cracks and cobwebs in the corners, her voice calmed down - I'm not going to help you if you continue like this, I refuse to do your job easier if you are unable to lend a hand for me...

The guard relaxed her shoulders lowering her gaze again, at least her wounds now hurt less.
Fortunately, the remnant would take care of healing them more easily.
She took a deep breath and brought a hand to her head, searching through her hair for her stress.
The pressure in her chest that she felt when Glitchtrap was close to her was gone, assuming he finally left her behind.

FNAF 6/SB: The Escape [ENG. VER]Where stories live. Discover now