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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. Fifth Stage.
"The Breach"

[Words: 1185]
[Duration: Short]

Vanessa followed the minor's cries to try to help him. She managed to find him near the main room, where the large statue of Glamrock Freddy was located.

At the top of the stairs, Gregory kicked, trying to free himself from the shattered bear's grip on the cables. The security guard quickly intervened to grab the cables of the robot that almost bit the boy's head, which was tied and held like a python to his prey.
Molten used some of the cables left over from him to grab the guard as well and lift her into the air.

- Freddy let her go - Baby appeared being followed by Afton, who was silent behind her.

The mere presence of Baby distracted the bear's attention enough in the animatronic, instinctively dropping the guard to the ground.
The bear's facial plates opened threateningly, showing himself to the opposite. He was about to let go of the boy until his golden pupil landed on the golden rabbit behind the girl animatronic.

- Yoo! T-The traitor is ba-back, and this ti-time she is ac-accom-ompanied-d by her daddy! - The bear laughed, grabbing Gregory again and lifting him into the air, the boy tried to free himself from his hold, but more cables held his arms preventing him from moving properly to struggle.

- Let me go! Vanessa help! - Exclaimed Gregory listening how Molten laughed at the situation.

The security guard looked at the rabbit, who was looking at her expectantly. She heard in her mind Afton's voice whispering "Fail me and we will kill you."
How was she supposed to act? The bear and the rabbit were against each other? Who was friend and who was enemy?

Frozen in her thoughts, Baby stepped forward grabbing Molten's wires to face him, threatening to cut them with her scissors to grab the boy who was kicking without giving in to free himself from Molten Freddy's grip.

The bear only laughed at the situation, playing with those present, because they could not reach it or even damage him because he was just a bundle of cables, it was easy for him to grab them all and throw them into the air, but that would only end the fun more quickly.

- Y-You should ha-have regrett-tted separating from u-us, Baby - The bear growled with annoyance without removing the irritating tone of her voice.

- Freddy this is not a game, give us the child - Ordered the girl animatronic unable to access the infant.

But Molten just hung from the ceiling, rising beyond where they could reach, Elizabeth only growled noticing the rabbit's gaze in the background, he would do nothing, just observe and judge, clearly, Afton would never stain his hands if another can do it for him.

- ...The child doesn't belong to you. Elizabeth... - Lefty's soft voice called out to Baby.

Afton stepped aside, sullen at the black-hued bear's presence. For some reason, he had a bad feeling. An ambush perhaps? He felt restless, frowning and stalking toward the cloaked puppet's golden eye.

- Charlie? - The robot girl murmured confused when she saw how Lefty refused to collaborate.

Furthermore, she felt very taken aback when Lefty confronted her in a cold and serious manner.

- I'm sorry... But... we can't allow it... - The bear murmured with an impassive tone - We can't allow... you to be with him... - Her voice sounded so calm that it gave shaking chills.

Baby tried to protest her friend's words, but Gregory's screams silenced her as Molten jumped up to the big gold statue of Glamrock Freddy. He grabbed the boy up into the air, letting him drop slightly, Vanessa panicked, Baby and Lefty turned their attention to the bear on the wires, while Afton silently listened without showing a word or even entering the conversation.

- O-O-OH, ELIZABETH! D-Do you want the l-little b-baby b-boy my friend?! THEN W-WHY DON'T YOU GO F-FOR HIM?! - He laughed with a psychotic laugh, letting the boy fall a little more, grabbing one of his legs, hanging him upside down, the little boy screamed. Gregory didn't expect an animatronic to be crazy enough to threaten his death, everyone else he knew was always nice and friendly to him.

"Freddy, help me!" He yelled at the boy trying to call his friend Glamrock, eliciting laughter from the bear swinging him from side to side. Lefty walked to the edge of the balcony where they stood, facing the large statue with the stairs on either side. She tried to call Molten to stop since she thought he was going too far with the infant. But the black one never expected the blow.
Baby froze instantly, Molten stopped when he heard the noise.

Lefty was lying downstairs, with Afton on the balcony panting, he had pushed her in a desperate attempt to attack and kill her. Luckily for the dark animatronic, her exoskeleton had protected her from the 15-foot fall from where they stood to the floor below. Still, she was somewhat disoriented.

Baby reacted bewildered tothe action of his father, she wanted to approach the rabbit but he turned around giving a threatening look towards his daughter. So she could only go downstairs in an attempt to go to the aid of Lefty, who was getting back up by sitting on the floor.

Baby approached her friend, she looked up observing the lurking gloomy look of the rabbit of murderous intentions, he just looked away from the scene, disappearing between the corridors, with a crowd towards Vanessa was enough to order her to follow him. Afton was not in the mood...

For a moment they forgot Molten from the action, who followed the steps of the rabbit with his attentive gaze and where it went with the security guard.

- S-So she is not with u-us. Wha' do you guys t-think? - The wired bear muttered to himself.

A loud bang was heard near the statue, Molten turned without reaction enough to run away. He was grabbed tightly by all his cables by a purple robotic hand, Montgomery's laughter echoed in the establishment, he had jumped up to the statue to grab the opposite and catch him off guard. Glamrock Chica and Freddy soon appeared to help the boy. Monty helped Gregory get down to Freddy.

Was that why Afton fled the scene? Did he know the Glamrocks were nearby?

Baby watched Chica's look on them, lowered hers to Lefty, who was crestfallen. The bear's golden eye lifted slightly to meet the greenish ones of her best friend in the past, when they were human, before she died.

- Don't you remember us anymore... Elizabeth? - Lefty asked in a soft voice.

Baby was silent without knowing how to respond to her partner. Charlie continued in the face of silence.

- ...Tell me Elizabeth... Do you remember me...? - She asked again, finally waiting for an answer.

- Do you want me to be honest? - Asked Baby, Lefty nodded in approval - ... No...

"...I don't remember anything, or anyone, Charlie... Only your name... it's a vague memory..."


FNAF 6/SB: The Escape [ENG. VER]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora