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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 7

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Chapter 7. First Stage.
"Last Breath"

[Words: 3000]
[Duration: Extensive]

Congratulations, you have reached the last chapter. The chapter 7.
But it was worth it?
Everything has an end?

Does everything have to end at some point?

That same question haunts the mind of the woman under the ropes of the protagonist.
Once again, Vanessa returns, more determined, less intimidated, into the hands of her protector, her killer.

She closes the door behind her to breathe a sigh of relief, her hands are sweaty with anxiety, her mind is cloudy, and her legs tremble nervously.
She walks briskly over to the desk across the room, not bothering to find a chair to sit in, she stands as she turns on a computer and plugs the USB into the tower.

The screen starts up demanding an access password, then suddenly turns purple and green with various glitches, and finally everything is back to normal except that there was no password.
The main desktop was shown with various folders and files, the screen had glitches all over the place and the mouse cursor was glitchy at times.

"Bottom right, third row, last file"

That voice began to guide her. She already recognized him, Afton had helped her escape from the clutches of Music Man, and even Baby and several members of the Funtime team.
She couldn't afford for him to step in to help her again, and she knew that even if she got into trouble, he wasn't going to save her anymore.
At least not for now.

She obeyed the orders and entered the aforementioned folders, opened the first file and it began to get corrupted with purple glitches.
She froze, looking at the screen, feeling the presence of the greenish rabbit right behind her.

Vanessa turned, with steady eyes she watched the stalking man.
Afton stood there, a meter away, passively admiring the woman's actions on the simple machine.
The guard observed the features on the rabbit's body, its greenish fabric fur almost turning brown, violet eyes so light they were pleasant to look at, and a smile full of teeth.
He was tall... but not much more than before, he was still the same height as the Scraptrap she knew, only Vanessa was shorter than him, and as a result, the rabbit hunched forward to get a better look at her.

Afton didn't move, didn't recognize her as a threat, it was... Strange to see him so calm in front of her.
Very creepy.

When the man was in his animatronic suit, torn and worn, his posture was always wary and suspicious, with sharp eyes.
He always looked at others as if he were a frightened animal about to attack to defend himself, nervous but firm, aggressive but careful.
Like a frightened animal, he will not take the risk of getting hurt if he can get away unscathed, choosing to keep his distance and prioritize his own safety, forgetting everyone else's.

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