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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 1

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Chapter 1. Fifth Stage.
"The Escape"

[Words: 1010]
[Duration: Short]

Baby was in front of the store, Freddy was leaning on her to get support.

But she didn't go in, she was entangled in the memories of her.

That day when Baby had escaped from Ennard's body.
She was destroyed, wired and without an exoskeleton, with the help of Molten she managed to find Circus Baby's old exoskeleton, but it was quite destroyed and parts were missing.
The lack of endoskeleton and springs complicated the walking of the animatronics.
It was when Molten crawled towards her, he had some skates in her hands. Some skates that helped her partner to move.
Despite that, the lack of her hair that was replaced by wires, or one of her arms that was torn to shreds, lacked a right hand. She had to replace various parts of her body, and with the help of the bear they found some spiked beams, which they transformed into scissors that Baby could use as a hand.

Elizabeth appreciated the help of her partner, also there were still pieces for an exoskeleton for him.
But Freddy refused, he didn't want an animatronic suit.
Baby tilt her head in confusion, at which point Molten jumped to the ceiling hanging upside down from her cables, and she understood. He wanted to be like that to hang from places, be agile and fast.

- W-We heard so-something insi-ide - Molten spoke, bringing Baby back to reality.

- Let's investigate, it's probably Lefty - Added the female animatronic, entering next to the bear.

The debris on the ground made it difficult for her to walk because of the skates on her feet, but she managed to move, moving some rocks away from her with her pliers.
Molten managed to move more easily, hanging on rubble and broken beams, it was easier for him to fit through narrower places.

Just at the end of the corridor they saw someone recognizable, a certain rabbit who had plans to leave the destroyed premises.

- I thought you wouldn't come - Baby spoke disappointed and confused.

- It is not your inconvenience, Elizabeth - The rabbit spoke, passing both of them and continuing on his way.

Molten climbed down from the rubble of the leaky roof, watching Afton walk away.

– S-Something sm-smells stra-ange to us... - The bear murmured.

– Ashes? Everything came out burning - She asked looking at her partner.

- Nah, Afton wo-ouldn't have c-come for no re-reason, h-he hates this p-place...- Grunted the grizzly.

Baby nodded, bowing her head, she was right. Afton hated this place, and he wouldn't come here without a really important reason. She looked at the end of the corridor, where there was a half-destroyed door, then at the place where his father had left.

– I think I'll go talk to him, Freddy...

– But E-Elizabeth... - The bear went to protest, but she shook her head.

The animatronics began to advance in search of her father, but before leaving. She turned to see the opposite.

- We'll see each other later - Baby said.

- Y-You see.. Wh-Wha' the hell was he d-doing there in the b-backg-ground... - He murmured before leaving.

Freddy didn't want to, but he had nothing better to do. Some pebbles fell on top of him, he looked up, the ceiling wouldn't last long.
He grunted in annoyance before continuing on his way down the hall, to the far end was a room, also burned and filled with the same dust and debris. It was difficult to see anything in particular, he did not understand why Afton would have gone to that place for no reason.

– Afton, come back! - Lefty was heard from afar, Molten cocked his head towards the voice.

Slowly approaching he could notice that behind a huge rock, voices could be heard screaming in desperation.
More stones were falling from the ceiling, it was not a good idea to go back and he wondered where Baby was at that moment.

– Lefty? - Asked the bear looking at the rock, silence was made for a few seconds.

- Freddy?! - She screamed, Molten felt his cables and circuits cross.

– What a-are you doin' b-behind a ro-rock? - He questioned confused. He approached slowly inspecting the rock, behind that heavy stone there was a metal door.

He tried to move the rock but he wasn't strong enough, it was just a bunch of wires.

- Afton locked us up here... - The female bear whispered softly.

– We...? Is th-there anyone e-else? - Molten looked around, there was a small ventilation, smaller than the normal ones in which they used to go.

Any animatronic wouldn't fit, but Freddy, he was just wires and springs.

- And start a-again - He murmured, ignoring the words in the background.The bear crawled through that vent, claustrophobic since those horrible days.

Crawling through this endless maze was all he could do.
Following the voices, the lights, until finally reaching the room where the other animatronics were trapped.

Lefty slowly walked over looking at Freddy.
Her eye shining through the gloom and silence of the room.

– Do you think we can go out? - Asked the jet black in a low tone.

The opposite kept his gaze on her. Slowly the establishment collapsed.

- We do-doubt it.. - He whispered with a deep and distrustful voice.

They had come too far, yes that was truth.
But what was their future now?
They were just children trapped in those destroyed bodies.

– Does it even make sense to continue living in this loneliness? - Lefty asked.

The male bear's golden eye rested on the opposite. For several seconds remaining silent, until releasing a few small laughs in anguish.

– Perhaps it is time to start again this new second chance

They both gave each other a look, to later turn away and deign to leave that place.

– Why di-did you enter i-in the first pl-lace? - Molten asked confused.

– I wanted to find this - The answer of the opposite made the male bear look at her. 

She was carrying some dusty papers in her hands, slightly burned.
The papers looked like a fairly recent newspaper but damaged by flames.
The ink on the paper was blurry and covered in ash, but still some big lettering could be seen on the New Glamrock Stage cover.

– Do you want a second chance, Freddy? - Asked the jet black.

In response, Molten just looked up, beginning to laugh out loud but with a bitter and sinister tone at the same time.

– Ho-How about a thi-third? - He whispered in a deeper voice.


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