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It was one in the morning when Virat's phone rang. He murmured something, tossed and continued sleeping.

After the third time it started ringing, Anushka sat up and grumbled, "Virat, pick it up."

"Let it be", he mumbled.

"It might be something important. Come on."

"Fine", Virat sighed and reached for his phone, still drowsy. All his sleep vanished at once when he saw the caller ID. Why was Rahul calling him at 1 am?

"Hey, all okay?", Virat said as soon as picked up the phone.

"Heeeeeey, Virat", Rahul was obviously drunk, "I can't book a damn cab. Three drivers have cancelled on me, you know? Three. How do I get home now?"

Virat got up and started looking for his wallet and car keys.

"Where are you?", he said, "No, you leave that. I'll trace your phone. Listen to me carefully. Find somewhere to sit, and don't move, okay?"

"Okay", KL agreed.

Soon enough, Virat found him sitting on a bench in front of a bar. 

"There you are. Safe and sound, thank god for that", Virat said with relief.

"You're here", Rahul noted happily.

"Yeah, I am. And I'm taking you home. My place is closer, we'll go there."

"Alright", KL agreed. So, he just needs to be drunk to listen to me, Virat grinned.

Both of them got into the car. KL was clearly not thinking straight. He kept trying to buckle his seatbelt and missing.

"Here, I'll do it for you", Virat reached out.

"No, I'm not a kid", he grumbled in response.

Virat rolled his eyes and buckled it for him anyway.

The rest of the ride was quiet, mostly because KL fell asleep well within a few minutes.

"Hey, wake up, we need to get inside, kiddo", Virat gently shook him. He did not even move. Virat shrugged and started shaking KL vigorously till he jumped up with a quick, "I'm up. I'm up."

They rang the doorbell and waited for Anushka to open the door. She came, and said, "Oh, he looks terrible."

"I know. He drank way too much", Virat sighed. KL was swaying on his feet.

"Don't be too hard on him", she said.

Right then, KL began pulling on Virat's shirt urgently, saying, "I think I'm gonna-"

He tried to reach the washroom, but threw up on the living room floor.

"-puke", he finished miserably.

"Oh, my god", Virat rubbed his temples, "Anushka, give him a set of my clothes to change into. I'll clean this mess up. I'm so not letting you off the hook, Rahul."

Anushka sighed and took KL away. She showed him the guest room and let him sleep.

When KL woke up the next morning, it took him a few minutes to figure out where he was, and why he had a killer headache. He groaned in embarrassment as he remembered what had happened the night before. After mustering up all the courage he had, he finally came out of the room. Virat was having breakfast. He noticed him entering.

"Hey, good morning", Virat said, his expressions giving away nothing.

"Good morning", KL replied nervously.

"Breakfast?", Virat asked, and KL nodded. He poured some milk and cornflakes for himself. After a few minutes of unbearable silence, KL spoke up, "Virat, I'm so sorry."

"What for?", Virat asked coolly.

"For-er- Going out and getting drunk like crazy. And calling you to pick me up-"

Virat cut him off, "Don't apologize for that. That's the only thing you did right. I'm glad you called me."

"Er-okay. And for throwing up all over you floor. And everything. I'm so sorry for everything, Virat."

"You should think before you act, you know?"

"I know. God, I should apologize to bhabhi, too. Where's she?"

"Anushka left early in the morning. Work thing."

"I'll do it when I see her next", KL sighed.

"I was worried like hell. But I'm sorry, too. I'll pick your calls up, first ring, any time of the day. I promise", Virat said softly.

"You don't have to-"

"I have to."

"Okay. I'm sorry, Virat. Thank you for helping me out."

"Always, kiddo."

"Will you punish me?", KL asked with a small voice.

"Nope. Two reasons. One, you called me when you needed me, and I'm proud of you for that. Two, this terrible hangover will be punishment enough", Virat replied with a small smile.

"I won't do this ever again", KL promised.

"I know, kiddo", Virat smiled.

Virat was surprised when KL didn't protest at being called 'kiddo', even though he was sober.

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