Josie's Pregnancy (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Okay, do you want us to meet you both there when you guys arrive?" Alaric asked.

"Yes, we're going to pack now. Keep the kids safe Alaric, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happens to those kids." Rebekah said.

"I will. I'll see you guys soon." Alaric said softly.

"Okay, Bye Alaric." Rebekah hangs up.

"What the hell did our niece do?" Freya asked with tears in her eyes.

"Besides get Josie pregnant. I don't know sis. If we don't stop her, Josie and that baby will die, and so will Hope. I know Klaus still has enemies who wants us all dead, but this is our family, Freya. We got to do something." Rebekah said running her hand through her hair.

"Look, let's just head to Mystic Falls, and let the rest of our family stay here just in case Hope comes home with Josie." Freya suggests.

"Good idea. Klaus and Hayley will haunt us if we don't get Hope's humanity back on." Rebekah told her sister.

"Yes they would. Let's go pack." Freya said.

"Mystic Falls here we come." Rebekah said heading towards her room to pack.


With Hosie

Hope is driving keeping her eyes on the road, but Hope couldn't help herself but to look at Josie.

Hope looks at Josie and sees that Josie is sleeping peacefully, Hope's eyes travel's down to Josie's stomach.

All of this doesn't feel real to Hope, but it is. Josie is pregnant with her fucking baby. Hope doesn't even know what to do.

Hope reaches over and places her hand onto Josie's belly. She rubs her stomach softly, and the brunette stirs a little, but doesn't wake up.

Hope feels her baby kicking, and she pulls over at a gas station. Hope parks her car and rubs Josie's belly again, her child kicks again.

"Wow." Hope said feeling her baby react towards her touch. "That's really my child in there." Hope said as she looks at Josie's face.

Hope watches her carefully as Josie scrunches her nose up in a cute way as she continues to sleep.

Hope sighs." Josie." Hope taps her shoulder.

"Hmm, yes baby?" Josie answers tiredly.

Hope runs her hand over her face. "You need anything? We're at a gas station."

Josie rubs her eyes. "Yeah, some bbq lays and a razzleberry slush. Our child is clearly gonna make me a carnivore." Josie said sitting up.

Hope nods. "I'll be back." Hope gets out of her car and heads inside of the gas station.

Josie sighs. "I want her to care so bad." Josie said sadly.

Her phone rings.

"Hello?" Josie answers.

"Josie?" A famailr voice said.

"Mom? What are you doing calling me so late? I know it's night time over there." Josie frowns.

"Lizzie called me, you're pregnant?" Caroline asked looking over a spell book.

"Mom, please calm down. It's my fault I didn't tell Hope to use protection. Her humanity is off." Josie tells her.

"WHAT?!" Caroline yells. "Lizzie didn't tell me that."

"Mom, please. I know what Stefan had done when Klaus told him to turn it off. Aunt Elena turned it off as well, and so did you. Hope can do the same mom. We're having a baby together, she has to turn it on." Josie said with confidence.

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