'Aw~ Is he your boyfriend?'

'What? No, nothing like that he's just helping me with the project'

'Well okay, say do you have time-- oh! Someone calling me talk later bye~!'

'Bye mom'

She hung up the phone and you sifted through the reference photos. Your roommate came out the bathroom and saw your screen.

'OoOoO~~ Staring at pictures of your boyfriend~'

You rolled your eyes and made sure you used the right image and looked at the page with your sketch. 

'I don't want do skin.. To much detail'

You sighed and looked at your roommate.

'Hey what's another option if your don't wanna draw skin?'

She looked at you confused but thought about it for a second.

'Bones I guess? I don't know, I can't even draw a stick-man'

'Bones? Actually that's not bad'

Since you had the reference imagine on your phone you went onto your computer and looked up stegosaurus bone structure.

'Why they built like that though--'

You said trying to hold back your laugh. You sighed to keep yourself from laughing and looked through the images. You did some basic shapes to practice the way it looks then tries to combine it.

Once you got one you were satisfied with you put down your sketch book and laid down on your bed. You took one death breath and sighed, you fell asleep immediately. Your roommate looked at your side of the room. She saw the mess of papers and the clothes and the wrappers of candy and chips.

'And she says I'm disgusting'

She said as she picked up all the trash and threw it out. She had a mess of papers, pens, markers, pencils everywhere. She decided to clean up a bit. She didn't know what papers mattered and what didn't so she left them in the order they were but made a huge stack. 

'Not my fault this girl can't even make a simple pile'

She put the markers, pen and the others in the places you had them. She looked around and saw the mess of clothes you had. She knew the dirty clothes from the clean easily. The dirty ones was in a pile on the floor next to your laundry bin.

'The bin is right there, why can't you aim correctly'

She said as if you could hear her. She picked it all up and dumped it in the bin. Only thing left was to clean what was on your bed but that she was gonna make you do.


'God, Y/n, you called me a mess, I picked up your shit for you, at least say thank you'

'Thank you'

'Your welcome, now clean your bed'

'Dang, you sound like my dad'

'Not your mom?'

'No, my mom didn't care about made beds, my dad was always home more than her anyway'


You got a notification and it was from Tsukishima, you opened it.

I gave Yachi your number

Since she forgot to ask u when u met

Okk thxxx

'What's up?'


'So your dad was around more than your mom?'

'Yeah, my mom was busy modeling, my dad was usually home editing his photos'

'Wait so how'd you learn how to draw??'

'While my dad was editing he used to take long breaks and I would use them as reference photos..they were horrible at first'


'Wait how much money does your family even have?'

'Well, my mom and dad are the some successful people in our family, but my grandparents were also kinda wealthy, but I don't really know'

'So you're rich?!'

'I guess? The idea never really got stuck in my head but yeh'

'Does your family live in a mansion?'

'No, we live in a normal house but, my parents are extra so they bought a lot of land with our house'

'Dang, and here I thought you was like me'

You shrugged and looked at your wall filled with taped sketches to your wall.

'Does your family have maids?'

'We have three, they all live with us but now they really don't do anything so they're on this paid vacation'

'Dang, can I work for your parents, I need money'

You laughed, so did she.


Mamas <3:
SO as I was saying

Mamas <3:
If you want when your done with your project

Mamas <3:
You could come over with some friends?

No one really knows about how successful you guys are -3-

Mamas <3:
So no one knows we're rich?

Well I told my roommate earlier but thats it ->-

Mamas <3:
Just invite them we'll find a time




'Just a question'


'Why don't you tell people your rich? You'll have friends and be popular'

'Yeah, but people would only hang out with me for money and stuff, I'd rather make friends then tell me them, if they react weird then..Well I'd stop talking to them'


She said and went back on her phone.

'Why? Do you think differently of me?'

'No, you're still the same weird goof that I met on the first day'

You both laughed and went back to your own things.

🗸 Kei Tsukishima x F!Reader | The ProjectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon