Class Folks

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Dear people in my class,

At first I would like to say, if you think this is about you, then it's you. Let your brain works. 

Teenage power. Are they're having any powers? They're confused. Some of them against everything they have to do. Like school. Sometimes, I can accept what's you guys opinions about school things. But, it's true that we have to respect other people too. Teachers are humans too, they do true and false things. And we have to appreciate what we are gifted. What others gave to us. We can't keep complaining. Yes, we can do that sometimes, but not all the times. I can't say many things, because I know I don't have enough courage. But aren't we classmates? We must advices each other right? I'm more than weird to you guys, and you don't have to listen to me. But at least, I said. I said what I said. Cussing don't solve anything. It just what our heart's wants. I admitted, I never say out loud, cussing words. Because I think, those words can offended someone's heart. I am a meanie, but I do have heart. 

  Chatting behind their backs is consider as normal thing among us. Because I do that too, a lot. But about someone's effort or things they do for us, why we must to talk bad about them? Of course, they do have weakness that don't belong to anyone else. And we have to accept them. As my last words, we're not only pay respect to elders, but to among us too. Do what you want, but don't get anyone else get involve on your business. It's annoying, don't you know that? You cause the trouble, so don't let anybody took the consequence. 

Call me rude, call me weird, call me whatever you want. I don't say I hate you. Just appreciate that, I already treat you nice. You don't know who am I. So do I, and that's the caution. Thank you very much, I don't feel sorry of what I've said. That's all from me, the sad girl that you know. 

          I've met so many people before, I've learned. So, listen genius as*es.

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