The Truth

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Going down the dusty creaking stairs I wonder if this is a good idea. Who would've thought this moment would change her entire life and turn it upside down?

Once reaching the bottom i came across a beautiful looking cave. It had a clashing waterfall and water as clear as crystal with colorful flowers of different kinds surrounding the place. What was really surprising was that there , in the middle of all the glorious nature was a book, the same book i tried to pull out before, but this time it had a name. Amara Atrytone. That's my name!

Intrigued I decided it is of upmost importance for me to open the book as it had my name on it so i'm guessing it was about me.

Slowly, opening the book i see complete blank pages. I wonder what the point of this book is and keep flipping in hopes for there to be something, anything interesting. Once i reach the last page I sigh, thinking that the whole trip down to the mysterious cave was for nothing. This is until suddenly a bright yellow light shines from the center of the book, it's so bright i had to close my eyes. The light gets bigger and bigger spreading across the book until the ground shakes and it finally stops leaving what looks like a figure of a man in dust.

"Greeting." the golden powdered man says with a voice deep and rusty from disuse.

Standing there I stare in shock at the man not knowing what to do or how to react.

He seemed to ignore me before carrying on, "You may have always wondered who your real parents are and by finding this book, you are destined to find out today. "

Taking a deep breath i sit on a nearby rock guessing that this conversation is going to change my life.

"Many years ago, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom came to the land of the mortals for a while as a break from the realm of the all mighty. During her time here she found out more about mortals and she even made friends with them. One day she met your father. They never got along but after a lot of convincing from your fathers side she gave in and decided to be his friend. Those two were inseparable, they were always seen together as if they were in their own little world far from everything bad in the world. Slowly, she started to fall for him and later on , you were born."

Confused, i kept on staring with my
mouth open like a codfish. The only words that kept going though my head was Athena and the fact that this powdered man claimed that she was my mother. I knew i was adopted but i never thought it was because my mother was a goddess. 

While i was thinking the man seemed to be doing some weird movements with his hands which were quite confusing but after a few seconds a paper appeared out of thin air straight into my hands. I looked down, even more confused than before.

"There is more to the story i have just told but that part cannot be told by me. I'm order to know the rest you will first have to follow this map and find what lies at the cross , only then will u be trustworthy to find the portal that will let you enter Mount Olympus. Be careful my dear as the journey you have ahead will be a dangerous one , filled with death traps and things that will make you wish you never knew about this map in the first place , but you must continue as only you can save him."

"Him? Him who?" I question in hopes to getting more answers from the man than he was willing to give.

"With time you will know but for now , farewell child , take care and be safe."

Those were his final words before he turned into dust, vanishing in the process. Not knowing what to do i contemplated the map in my hands given to me by the man abs wondered if it really was worth risking everything I already have. I think about my friends and family and the future i had planned but then, i look at the map and know that this is what i'm destined to follow and do. With one final deep breath o get up, ready to head home and confront my parents hoping Athena, my mother, had told them any more information that could be helpful for the future.

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